Студопедия — Exercise 1. Define the function of an Infinitive and translate the following sentences into Russian
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Exercise 1. Define the function of an Infinitive and translate the following sentences into Russian

  1. Gold is known to be the least chemically active of all the metals and does not combine with oxygen to form rust.
  2. One of the principle uses of copper is to produce alloys.
  3. Hydrogen has been proved to be the most abundant element in the Universe.
  4. To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
  5. Historians suppose the name “London” to come from two Celtic words.
  6. For this material to be published next year you must prepare it as soon as possible.
  7. Traffic speed limits are set at a level that achieves some balance between the danger of excessive speed and the desire of most people to travel as quickly as possible.
  8. This is a programme for you to test it.
  9. We heard a printer stop and saw the sheet of paper stuck in the slot.
  10. In this part of the tool there is an irregularly made hole of a size large enough to allow a strong cord to pass through for the purpose of suspension.
  11. When a programme written in one of these high-level languages is designed to do a specific type of work such as to calculate a company’s payroll or the stress factor on a roof, it is called an applications programme.
  12. Arrangements were also made for more computers to be made available in the reading-room.
  13. It is for you to decide whether it is worth doing it.
  14. To synthesize a human voice, the computer vibrates a speaker cone to try to simulate the acoustical wave patterns produced by the human voice.
  15. This chapter sets out to describe characteristics of the process which are not included in the previous chapter.
  16. It is well-known, for example, that with people who have often discussed some subject together a few words are enough for them mutually to understand some complex point, which it would take many words for them to explain to an outsider.
  17. Institutions either purchase applications programmes as packages or commission their own programmers to write them to meet the specifications of the users.
  18. The radioactive fallout from nuclear test explosions appears to be harmful to the atmosphere.
  19. Newton proved the weight to be the gravitational force or pull acting on an object.
  20. The concept of universal gravity was the greatest contribution of Isaak Newton, the man many consider to be one of the greatest thinkers of all time.
  21. The business of which he was a director was about to crash.
  22. This kind of attitude goes to show that certain members of the team are not interested in the use of this new method on the industrial scale.
  23. The ability of gold to resist corrosion makes it very durable.
  24. The force of this conclusion will be apparent in the following chapter when we come to discuss the problem of invention.
  25. When consumers visit a store, they are assumed to observe quality.
  26. Pure copper is known to be too soft to be used for tools and machine parts.
  27. The distillation of the coal is known to produce among other things a group of compounds of carbon and hydrogen.
  28. The alloy helps reduce the weight of apparatus substantially, thereby effecting a consid­erable saving of materials.


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