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1. But just when they need time to work through their promising changes and help from the United States in completing them the Euro­pean allies risk running into political static in Washington because of U.S. wishes to recast NATO in a role approximating a global policeman — a fu­turistic vision of the alliance that European policymakers see as prema­ture now, and perhaps forever.

2. The European Commission argues that «unfair tax competition)) among EU countries distorts the single market — by allowing low-tax countries, or heavens, to attract capital from high-tax jurisdictions — and indirectly contributes to Europe's high unemployment rates by shift­ing taxation from capital to labour.

3. Europe seemed to find its footing in NATO's post Cold-war pos­ture, finally making a promising start on European military cooperation demonstrating a new readiness to use force and pulling down barriers to con­solidating its national defence companies into Europe - wide industries.

4. «Truths!» Charles de Gaulle is supposed to have shouted. «Did you think I could have created a [Free French] government against the English and the Americans with truths? You make History with ambition, not with truths».

5. Taken with the smooth closure this year of alliance enlargement to include new members from Central Europe, there seems to be much to celebrate next year when Washington hosts ceremonies marking the anni­versary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

6. If the Parliament insists on pushing through a policy forged in the heat of an election campaign rather than out of the calm consideration and consultation that the Parliament's committee structure is supposed to en­courage, ministers in London will have to accept the anomaly or follow suit.

7. Attempts to strengthen common foreign and security policy, the EU's «second pillar», by importing majority voting or incorporating the Western European Union, Europe's defence club, into the EU, look like failing.

The biggest changes are likely to come in the «third pillar»: justice and home affairs.

8. Considered on the fringes of legality because of its liberal views, the Freedom Movement (of Iran) has been allowed to field four candi­dates for the 15 municipal council seats in Tehran.

9. Built-in encryption also could make it easier to add access controls to PC's and routinely scramble all stored data, making it harder to steal computer resources or files.

10. The deal struck by European Union governments at their Berlin summit leaves both their budget and their enlargement plans in a worse state than before.

11. «The Brazilian government move highlights the difficulty of im­plementing a deep belt-tightening in a country in which more than 40 percent of the population live in poverty», — said an analyst in New York.

12. In remarks focusing heavily on his so-called new Labour govern­ment policy — which seeks to marry social justice and workers' rights with a pro-business market-oriented economic policy — Mr. Blair heaped praise on South Africa.

13. Thousands of people rampaged Friday through the town, hurling stones at police stations and looting shops. Police fired plastic bullets at the mobs, killing at least one person and wounding nine.

14. «Boston college has wronged me and my students by caving into right-wing pressure and depriving me of my right to teach freely and de­priving them of the opportunity to study with me,» said Mary Daly, 70, an associate professor of the college in a telephone interview.

15. No sooner had the European Commission resigned than the Prime Minister popped up in the House of Commons to tell MPs that this was no setback but a golden opportunity to push through «root and branch» reform of a Commission whose failings had been tolerated for far too long. Stretching a point, he boasted that it was his lot that had brought the Commission down.

16. The vice-president began by allaying fears that he would burden business with a green and heavy hand: government has its place as long as government knows its place, he said, adding that slump in the devel­oping world makes growth a top priority for governments.

17. Until then [1918] the infant Labour party had been the junior of the Liberals, helping them to win their landslide victory of 1906 and to enact a sweeping programme of social, and constitutional reform in great part inspired and led by Lloyd George.

18. These universities (Oxford and Cambridge) were rural rather than urban, and therefore residential, they took a collegiate form. Their func­tion was not only to train the young for the professions, but to preserve the heritage of the past and transmit it to succeeding generations and to prepare them morally as well as intellectually for the larger duties of gov­ernment and society.

19. Boeing executives suspect commission officials of passing on in­side information about airline contracts to airbus officials in Toulouse. For that reason the Seattle company has been rather vague in some of its answers to the commission's requests for information, while formally co­operating with its inquiry.

The commission is making a habit of interfering with firms from out­side the EU when it thinks that competition is likely to be lessened.

20. Germany has complained strongly to Washington about restric­tions facing foreign companies seeking to enter the US telecommunica­tions market. Germany's finance minister expressed concern at the dis­cretionary powers of the Federal Communications Commission to restrict access which, he said, could result in foreign companies being denied access to the US market «for general foreign policy or trade policy reasons.»

21. A college education is often a collection of courses without any connecting fiber. Yet decision-making is a function of being able to inte­grate what seems like unrelated variables, and understanding the balance between analytical and intuitive skills. Without knowing these variables, it is impossible to determine what information is needed, know how and where to get the information and select the information that is pertinent.

22. In facing up to the dangers, and living up to the importance of his task, President Kim [of South Korea] has made a good start. But to un­derstand that start, and to get the measure of what is required of him in future, it is vital to ditch the idea that he is a «left-winger» who is be­coming, or has to become, a convert to free-market ideas once anathema to him. That is so partly because such labels are everywhere much less helpful than they were, but partly, also because in South Korea's circum­stances (and Mr. Kim's) they are especially misleading.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1000. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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