Студопедия — AFTER-READING activity. • Read the text in fl«>re depth to do 'The after-reading exercises'.
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AFTER-READING activity. • Read the text in fl«>re depth to do 'The after-reading exercises'.

• Read the text in fl«>re depth to do 'The after-reading

Ex, 1, Comprehension ch^ck

1. What is at the heart of politics?

2. What are the standards against which governments and political systems can be judged1?

3. Contrast liberal and conservative thinkers' views on stability


4. Compare two contrasting views on material performance and welfare state (free-market view and social democratic view).

5. Comment on the three sets of rights.

6. What is a major dilemma that confronts those who employ citizenship as a government/system performance criterion?

Ex. 2. Terminology

Match the notions.- utilitarianism, incrementalism, relativism^ citizenship, autonomy, atomism with the definitions

•... is a relationship between the individual and the state in which the two are bound together by reciprocal rights and duties.

•... holds that statements or acts can only be judged in relation Ц their context, denying the existence of objective or 'absolute' standards.

• The term literally me^ns 'self-rule1.

•... is a theory that decisns are not made in the light of clear-cut objectives, but through small adjustments dictated by changing circumstances-

•... is a moral philosophy that equates 'good' with pleasure oi happiness, and 'evil' with pain or unhappiness. In political terms it 'has been linked to classical liberalism, providing a theoretical and moral basis for egoistical individualism.

• All matter consists of different arrangements of a limited,
number of indivisible particles or atoms.

♦ Work with the dictionary and consult the text to do ex. 3, 4

Kx. 3. Translate from English into Russian

... in largely 'managerial' terms; to uncover intractable normative questions; the standards against which governments and political systems can be judged; a regime's ability to contain or reconcile conflict; differing views; stable government must be rooted in consensus and consent; responsiveness to popular demands and pressures; the ability to bring the 'outputs' of government into line with the various 'inputs'; responsiveness must be balanced against elTectiveness; stability, divorced from any considerations; fuelled corruption; to be promoted by material incentives; to penalise ki/iness; to take the distribution of wealth away from the vagaries of the market; a breeding ground for crime and social unrest; the right id stand for election and the right to hold public office; it breeds,iuimism and alienation.

Kx. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Выступать в поддержку чего-либо (лежать в основе ч-л); природа справедливости; желаемый баланс между свободой и иластью; спонтанные действия свободных личностей; основная цель системы правления; долговечность и прочность (выжива­ние); ответная реакция (властей) может вызвать нестабильность; создавать иллюзии; власти должны реагировать на внешние воз-к'йствия; навязать обществу свою точку зрения; вызвать непри­миримый конфликт; общие ценности и культура; социальное и культурное единство; повсеместная бедность; инициативность и старание; растущее бремя налогов; препятствовать производству ошатств; противоположная точка зрения; поощрять алчность; предоставлять права в соответствии со стандартами, сущест-и\ющими для всего общества; ослабить связи внутри общины.

Их. 5. Fill in the blanks in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B', making all necessary changes

A. B.

[ To... ro stability through the a. universal suffrage

exercise of authority a government must be able... its own existence and ensure the survival of the broader political system.


2. According to the constitution all citizens equally... with basic human rights regardless of their social status.

3. The Russian Foreign Minister's positive contribution to the work of the conference on banning nuclear tests... the prestige of the country.

4. The more radical notion of...... was advanced from the late eighteenth century onwards by utilitarian theorists such as Jeremy Bentham and James Mill (1773-1836).


5. Responsiveness of liberal democracy to popular demands and pressures can foster the illusion that the political system can... all 'inputs'.

6. The free- market view holds that a... society can best be achieved by a system of unregulated capitalism.

7. The need to balance rights against duties means...of responsibilities between the individual and the community.

8. Since long the relationship between the individual and the

state....... in the growing

debate between liberalism and communitarianism.

9. Some intractable normative
matters that... at the heart of
politics are still worth

10. When a country is going through a deep economic crisis, we say it is in a period of...

11. Political authority... by shared values and a common culture.

12. All UN member-states must pay their... to the organization's budget.

b. to accommodate

с to invest

d. to contribute, to perpetuate

e. to heighten

f. to take up

g. prosperous

h. apportionment

i, contributions

j. to lie

k. stagnation 1, to underpin

l \. 6. Fill in the blanks with 'effective', 'effectiveness', 'efficient', efficiency'

1 Legal-rational authority promotes... through rational division of

labour. ' An international treaty becomes... when ratified by the

signatory nations' Parliaments, i The '... cause' in the Aristotelian logic means the immediate

producer of a change. I An... expert is a consultant who advises the management of a

business where and how it could secure increased.... ^ The central dilemma of a stable government is that

responsiveness must be balanced against. I. Not only is unregulated competition condemned for promoting

greed and conflict, but it is also seen as far from being... and

productive. ' The three 'Es' of policy-making mean how...,... and economic

it is. ^ The issue of a new and more... international security system

featured prominently in the conference agenda. ч... of scientific research can't be appreciated immediately. It

might take some time to evaluate its impact. lit. ]f a system operates with a minimum of effort, expense, or

waste, it is called an... system.

K\. 7. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of a verb (di-rund, Participle or Infinitive). Watch the topical vocabulary

1 If the advantages of interdependence outweigh the disadvantages,

the the leaders must harness the means for (accelerate) its

development..' Under conditions of fierce competition and resurgent nationalism

(lie temptation (seek) isolation from foreign economic

dependence by (create) barriers to trade and other transactions

may be irresistible, i There is no longer a contradiction between patriotism and

concern for the world. For we can only save ourselves by (save)

other people also. I F.H.Carr (1939), a pioneering political realist, was convinced of

realism of idealism, (maintain) that opposition to the general

interests of humankind does not serve one's self-interest. "> The new technology can create new ways of (prevent) diseases

hut also new way of (destroy) others in war.


6. World politics has largely been a record of countries (prepare), (wage) and (recover) from wars with each other (Morgentau!

7. (Become) or (remain) first in the international arena means (compete) for political and economic means (bend) others to one's will.

8. With global leadership comes the burden of responsibility and necessity of (set) the pace and (maintain) world order.

9. Pressure will mount for a new theoretical paradigm (replace) orthodox realism and neorealism.

10. The scarce resources are being used for (sustain) the arms race, thereby (hinder) the economic development of nations and international cooperation.

11. A rise in a state's economic output has different consequences for people currently living in poor societies (compare) with those in rich societies.

12. History has indeed 'ended' in the sense that democratic governments (practice) free market capitalism at home and free trade abroad will become the rule throughout the world.

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