Студопедия — Test . Var. I
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Test . Var. I


1. Insert the proper modal verb:


1) It ____ influence the money markets if the IMF is very negative or very positive.

2) It’s important to remember that a ballistic missile is the least likely method an enemy ___ choose for delivering a nuclear weapon to US soil.

3) Advocates believe the tax reform ____ simplify the tax system and boost savings. Opponents say it ____ increase the budget deficit and favor the wealthy.

4) It is unlikely that Russian president ___ stay the American course against terrorism without significant US concessions, if only because Russian political elites are deeply distrustful of Washington.

5) It used to be that two leaders of more or less equal geopolitical weight ___ come to a hard-fought compromise and then go home and crow.

6) Washington ____not pretend indifference as far as economic and political situation in Russia is concerned.

7) One poll does not make a US presidential election, but it ___ certainly set a cat among the pigeons.

8) While they are at it, the US and Russian presidents ____ to talk about ways to improve the inadequate security fro Russia’s nuclear weapons.

9) Even if euro-zone finance ministers agree with the IMF, there is little they ___ do and ___ be wise to keep mum.

10) Written-to-order stories were so common for Russian journalists that they had a slang term for them: dzhinsovy syuzhet, a piece that ___ pay for a pair of jeans.


2. Insert the proper form of the Infinitive:

1) Right now they may (try) to get better bargaining positions for a possible compromise.

2) It seems cruel that the Clinton presidency should (arrive) at its current pass.

3) That the French president should (want) to spend four days in Britain and that he should (invite) to do so, constitutes a significant political gesture made by Britain and France towards each other.

4) We should (realize) that it is a two-way street. If politicians are busy doing favors for businesses that support them, why shouldn’t we expect businesses to reciprocate by doing favors for those politicians.

5) If Russia’s ambition to be co-cponsor of another world order is to (take) seriously, other countries can (expect) that Moscow should (abide) by its promises.

6) Although the Ukrainian PM was to (present) the economic program Wednesday, the Ukrainian president asked members of parliament to postpone any discussion of it until a new prime-minister was appointed.

7) The Ukrainian Prime Minister decided to resign when it was clear that parliamentary commissions were unhappy with the country’s economic plan that was to (unveil) during the session.

8) If the Security Council permanent members are to (live up) to their responsibilities, they must (prepare) to put their forces at the UN’s disposal.

9) We must (prepare) for a searching examination of the ways in which Europe’s security is to (achieve)

10) A year ago, who would (think) that the Budapest Stock Exchange would (prove) one of the world’s best performers?


3. Translate into Russian:


1) “We will be prudent about what we spend, cut taxes where we can and, above all, build up the long-term health and strength of our economy,” said the PM.

2) The spy program can record your passwords, credit card numbers and messages you may send to banks. No doubt both sides would welcome a compromise.

3) Whatever Bill Clinton defects, which are manifold, he seems to have no violence in him, but rather, a good heart, and beyond that, an immensely sophisticated and cunning political gift that may add up to greatness.

4) Even optimistic reformers acknowledge that the resulting social and political challenges – of unemployment, uncontrollable migration to cities, the weaving of a new social safety net – may prove even more difficult to master.

5) Dismantling trade barriers would force the industrialized nations to train their own low-skilled workers lest they be displeased by new competition from abroad.

6) From the century’s dawn to the century’s close we have learned how vital it is that America embrace its responsibilities, live up to its principles and lead.

7) Republican Senator Robert Dole questioned whether future generations should have to pay for slavery said, “Some would say yes. I think it’s a tough question.”

8) If the Russian president should step down or be deemed unfit to govern, the Constitution stipulates that the prime minister would take over, and call elections within three months.

9) Job advertisements ask you for young attractive women “without inhibitions” which means that you shouldn’t grumble when your boss starts touching you.

10) “Those who drag their feet on reforms should not stretch their empty palm to Moscow,” said the Russian president.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1043. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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