Студопедия — III. After you have read. 3.1. Make up sentences from these words:
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III. After you have read. 3.1. Make up sentences from these words:

3.1. Make up sentences from these words:

1. an, for, me, I, have, family average, As.

2. much, spends, He, his, job, time, and, likes, there.

3. her, As, appearance, for, is, not, she, and, very, tall, has, fair, got, hair, grey, and, eyes.

4. studies, lyceum, at, the, very, and, does, mathematical, He, well, there.

5. kind-hearted, She, is, a, of, woman, and, care, takes, all, of, us.

3.2. Find:

- antonyms to the following words:

to like, to finish, bad, light, few, old, to love, to hate, to agree, tactful, young, tall, to disagree, short, to dislike, happy, good, to start, dark, many, tactless, to quarrel, cheerful, sad, unhappy, to get along with.

- synonyms to the following words:

much, dad, big, to attend, wood, to visit, forest, to speak, to talk,to be fond of,toargue, to get along with, large, to be on good terms with, woman, a lot of, kind-hearted, father, lady, kind, merry, discreet, cheerful, tactful, to quarrel, to be interested in

3.3. Put the verb into the Past Simple or Future Simple if possible. Use the words: yesterday, ago, last/next week, month, year, tomorrow, in some years/months etc. Give the negative and question forms:

1. These girls often attend theaters and museums.

2. They spend much time together.

3. Their children usually travel a lot with the parents.

4. He studies at the mathematical lyceum.

5. His cousin is a civil engineer.

6. The granny does all the cooking for the family.

7. In the evenings the parents and the children watch TV, read books and newspapers, talk about the events of the day.

8.His elder brother is a skilled surgeon at the hospital.

9. Their mother stays at home and looks after the children.

10. Alex looks like his father.

IV. Brush up your talk

4.1. Complete the short dialogues using the phrases from the text:

- Is your family big?

- We are ….


- Do you a have a dad?

-Yes, I ….


- What’s your dad’s name?

- His name is….

- How old is your dad?

- He is….


- What about his appearance?

- My dad has got….


- Where does your father work?

- He works ….


- What are his hobbies?

- My dad is fond of ….


- What is your mum’s job?

- She works ….


- What about her hobby?

- My mum ….


- Do you have a sister or a brother?

- I have ….


- Does he study at the university?

- No, he ….


- What about his character?

- My brother is ….


- Do you get along with your brother?

- Well, ….


- Do you have grandparents?

- Yes, I ….

- Say some words about them, please!

- My grandpa ….

- My grandma ….

- What do you think, is your family friendly?

- To my mind ….

4.2. Make up your own dialogues using the models from the
task 4.1. These phrases and words may be helpful for you

a) phrases:

Our family is large (small, not very large). We are the family of seven (two, three, four, five, six): my mother, my father, my aunt, my uncle, my sister, my niece and nephew.

My mother's name is …. She is … years old. She is …. My father's name is.... He is... years old. He is a worker/driver.

My brother and sister are students (pupils). Their names are.... They are older (younger) than me.

He works as a journalist / web-designer *.

She works in television/ publishing/ PR (public relations)/ sales/ IT.

They work with computers /children with disabilities.

My mother stays at home and looks after the children.

b) appearance:

tall, strong, brown eyes, blue-eyed, dark (haired) man (woman),
curly-haired, red-haired, short, well-shaped, athletic, full-bodied, to
look fit.

c) personal qualities:

nice, clever, a man/woman of strong character, patient, sociable, responsible, merry, serious, naughty, kind, careful, pretty (woman), handsome (a man), curious, nice, shy, energetic.

d) professions *:

teacher, doctor, engineer, nurse, administrator, shop assistant, hair dresser, housewife, officer, pensioner, policeman, manager, programmer, builder, electrician, driver, worker, businessman, lawyer, bank worker, secretary, accountant, architect, cook, economist, unemployed.

Tell about your own family using all information you have got.

4.4*. Tell about your friend’s family using all information you have got.

4.5*. Read and give the Russian equivalent for the following statements. Try to comment them:

1. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

2. Charity begins at home.

3. You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you.

4. 6. * Discuss in the group: What kind of family do you consider to be an ideal one?

Unit 3. MY HOUSE

My home is my castle.

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