Студопедия — Text 2. Sony
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Text 2. Sony


Sony is multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Mintao, Japan. It is one of leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communications, video game consoles and information technology products for the consumer and professional market.

Sony is among the Worldwide Top 20 Semiconductor Sales Leaders. The company's slogan is «Sony. Like no other; and recent is make believe». Sony is the electronics business unit and the parent company of the Sony Group which is engaged in business through its five operating segments, these make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world.

Sony’s principal business operations include:

- Sony Corporation;

- Sony Pictures Entertainment;

- Sony Computer Entertainment;

- Sony BMG Music Entertainment;

- Sony Ericsson;

- Sony Financial Holdings.

The name «Sony» was chosen for the brand as a mix of two words. One was the Latin word Sonus, which is the root of «sonic» and «sound» and the other, was «sonny», a familiar term used in 1950s America to call a boy. Morita pushed for a word that does not exist in any language so that they could claim the word «Sony» as their own.


- Sony is working to create value for our stake holders, and improve the quality of life for the next generation through our innovations.


- We must seek new approaches to transform our ability to achieve both profitable and sustainable growth.

Sony Corporation was founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1946.

The main facts of Sony’s History:

May 1946 Tokyo – Tsushin Kogyo K.K. (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation), also known as Totsuko, established in Nihonbashi;

1947 – Company head office and factory relocated to Shinagawa, Tokyo;

1950 – Japan's first magnetic tape recorder, the G-Type, order launched;

1954 – Announcement of Japan's first PNP alloy-type transistor and germanium diode;

1955 – Decision made to use SONY logo on Totsuko products. Japan's first transistor radio, the TR-55launched;

1958 – Company name changed to Sony Corporation;

1960 – Sony Corporation of America (SONAM) established in the United States. World's first direct-view portable TV, the TV8-301, launched. Sony Overseas S.A. established near Zurich, Switzerland;

1962 – The world’s smallest and lightest all-transistor TV, TV5-303, launched;

1963 – World’s first compact transistor VTR, the PV-100, launched;

1966 – Sales launch of Sony’s first cassette tape recorder, the «Magazine-matic 100» TC-1001979-Sales launch of the TPS-L2, the first stereo cassette player «Walkman»;

1982 – World’s first CD player, the CDP-101, launched;

1989 – Compact and lightweight passport-sized 8 mm camcorder, «Handycam» CCD-TR55, launched;

1994 – New company structure introduced at Sony Corporation;

2005 – Sales launch of new «BRAVIA» brand HDTV-compatible flat-screen TVs;

2007 – World’s first OLED TV released;

2010 – Sony introduces Sony Internet TV, powered by Google TV – the world's first television with Google TV platform. Sony introduces
e-book reader. Sony launches new digital music service Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity.


21 Sony products were recognized with an iF Product Design Award.

Sony won Good Design Awards continuously from last 11 years for that different products.

third consecutive Gold Award for BRAVIA televisions and the second for a (alpha) E-mount series DSLRs.

The red dot Design Award is a worldwide design award given in recognition of superior product design and communication design. Design Zentrum Nordrheim Westfalen sponsors the red dot Design Award. Sony has won 16 «red dot» awards including 1 «best of the best».


Sony’s plants located in inconvenient locations;

Too expensive and far away from consumers;

High shipping and long deliver process;

This all effects Sony’s operating performance.


Applied acquisition and alliances strategy;

Joint venture with Sharp and Hon Hai Precision Industry;

In order to provide LCD TV’s to American Region;

Focus on emerging market’s economies;

Sony has gained success in India Market;

Sony’s growth depends on performance in emerging markets.


Unfavorable foreign exchange rate.

Sony’s international market sales value 75,8%.

Japan’s currency appreciated against US dollar and Euro.

Sony’s products more expensive; sales to drop.

Worsening economic situation.

Sony’s main markets are US, Japan, and Europe; all suffered economic downturn.

Laws and regulations.

Protect environment, human health, and safety.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 535. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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