Студопедия — Using Video in Class
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Using Video in Class


  1. Pre-viewing

? Language tasks, communicative tasks in speaking, reading and writing

? General knowledge tasks

Ø Read and answer the key questions on the coming video

Ø Check what you already know y answering the questions

Ø Prediction (judging by the title, what info will be included into the video)

Ø Language focus – study the words, phrases, basic patterns

Ø Focus on future knowledge – outline of concepts and knowledge bits to learn about

Ø Initial discussion – answering personal questions, expressing opinion, working with statements, etc.

  1. While-viewing

Ø Getting the main idea:

o read the sentences and check true or false

o watch and write brief answers

o watch and choose the best answer to each question

Ø Watching with the sound turned off: watch and answer the questions

Ø Watching with the sound turned on and compare your notes

Ø Watch and say whether your predictions were right or wrong

Intensive viewing:

§ watch and fill in the blanks

§ watch and complete the sentences

§ watch and classify concepts

§ watch and get the figures (note-taking)

§ watch for facts and circle the best answer to each question

§ watch and tick true or false

§ watch and find details to choose the best answer to each question

§ watch and then put the events in order

§ watch and make brief notes, semantic props

§ putting words and phrases into the context

§ watch and match the information

§ watch to focus on the cultural message

Language focus

  • match the words with their equivalents
  • choose the correct word form to complete each sentence
  • getting the m-ng from context:
    • read the excerpts
    • watch the video
    • choose the best definition for each judging by the context
  • word scramble: unscramble the words to fit the definition
  • changing grammar patterns (e.g. modal verbs instead of modal phrases)
  • word puzzles
  • watch and translate the soundtrack
  • watch, listen, record the soundtrack and imitate


  1. After-viewing

Ø What do you think?

o write your answers to the following questions

o discuss your answers

o share your ideas

o prove, explain

Ø Read the additional material, answer the questions and share your ideas

Ø Based on the video segment and previous discussions single out the issues/problems

Ø Talk about the related issues/problems/topics


EFL teaching principles for using video:

Ø culturally-communicative viewing

Ø culturally-communicative listening

Ø intensive language observation

Ø authentic and interactive viewing

Ø previewing language focus

Ø previewing communication focus

Ø extensive viewing and speaking

Ø segmentation of the material to be viewed


Voice of America



Internet Technologies


Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 507. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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