Студопедия — II. Reading. A letter must contain many parts to communicate its message
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II. Reading. A letter must contain many parts to communicate its message


Parts of a Letter


A letter must contain many parts to communicate its message. These parts and their placement in your letter form the basic conventions of effective letter writing. Your reader will be in the habit of looking for certain information in certain places in your letter. It is your responsibility as a letter writer to meet your reader's expectations. By doing so you will create a good impression.


Letterhead   It is printed and supplied by your employer. It is used only for the first page of the letter.
  Trading name It must be registered and displayed.
  Logo It is a visual symbol or device which communicates memorably what a company or institution does, or with what it would like to be associated.
  Postal address Post code (BE), Zip code (AE) Telephone number Telegraphic, cablegram address Telex number  
BE Names of directors Addresses of registered office Registered number Registered location The legal requirements are to protect the letter’s reader from difficulties of identification or communication resulting from unscrupulous dealings.
Letter reference 1. The letter-writer’s initials 2. The letter-typist’s initials 3. A coded file reference ‘Our ref’ is given to outgoing letter. ‘Your ref’ – to incoming letter. In the US, it is normally situated in the end of a business letter. e.g. Our ref HT/JN WA 151 (BE) Your ref LMK/pb (BE) JB:DB (AE) JB:db (AE)
Date Day, month, year It is typed few lines below the letterhead. e.g. 16th July,1991 (BE) 16th July 1991 (BE) July 16th 1991 (AE) July 16,1991 (AE)   NB 3/1/94 - the third of January nineteen ninety-four (BE) - the first of March nineteen ninety-four (AE)
Reader of the letter Company, institution or individual  
Reader’s address Name, street, town, county or state, post code, country It is typed as it will appear on the envelope
Attention reference Specified person’s title or position and name following on the same line It is not always required. It should be used when the letter is addressed to a company or organization as a whole, but you want it to be handled by a specific individual at the company or within the organization. It should be underlined or typed in capitals. e.g. For attention of Mr Greene (BE) ATTENION: Mr Greene (AE)
Care of c / o It refers to a person in the company who is responsible to take care of the letter and delivery to a relevant person / department.
Salutation Commonly greeting (Dear …) a courtesy title, reader’s last name ‘Dear Sir’, ‘Dear Madam’, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’, are acceptable in cases of extreme formality. When the reader’s name is not known, the person’s title is the next best term in a salutation.
Subject-heading Brief summary of letter’s theme It is often omitted, but its inclusion is a courtesy to your reader. By alerting him to the content of your message, you enable him to decide whether the letter requires immediate attention. It should be underlined or typed in capitals. e.g. REPAIR OF MODEL 7342 (BE) Repair of model 7342 (BE) SUBJECT: Repair of model 7342 (AE) In AMS format the word ‘subject’ is omitted.
Letter message Content  
Complimentary close Closing assurance It’s a polite formal way to end a letter. Standard forms are: Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, etc.
Signature Author’s signature  
Author’s identity Typescript of author’s name It is typed four lines below the complimentary close to allow space for the signature. When letters are signed by a secretary for his / her principle, ‘for’ or ‘p.p.’ is commonly inserted before the typescript name. e.g. for John Smith Production Manager
Author’s official title Author’s title or position in the company  
Enclosure Indication of accompanying material This is a practical courtesy to prevent your reader from discarding important matter with the envelope. It consists of: enc. encs. Enc. Encs. Encl. Enclosure Enclosures
Letter copy(ies) reference Indication of copies ‘ recipients It tells the reader who has been sent a carbon copy of the letter and consists of: copy to, copies to, cc (carbon copy), xc (xerox copy)
Continuation sheet details Page number, date and recipient name It is typed at the head of page 2 and subsequent pages of the letter.



NB When the letter's contents are confidential the following "warning headings" may be prominently displayed on both the letter sheet or envelope





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