Студопедия — Structure of a business letter
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Structure of a business letter

3) an invitation from a local winery to wine tasting signed by James Grey, the Managing Director (your restaurant doesn’t serve alcoholic beverages).

Distribute the tasks: each of your subordinates should reply to one of these emails. Then check whether the group members have followed the principles reflected in your memo.



Letter writing is an essential part of business communication. A check, a contract or any other business paper sent by mail should always be accompanied by a letter. The letter says what is being sent, so that the addressee should know exactly what you intended to send. It is a typical business letter called “routine”.

Nowadays more and more agreements are made in English, for English is a universal business language. Joint ventures agreements, bank loans, and trademark licenses are frequently written in English.

With the appearance of electronic mail, voice mail, and faxes, good letter writing is loosing its importance. And yet, a well-written business letter can help a lot in your business relationships. A well arranged letter will make a better impression on the reader, thus good letters make good business partners.

Business correspondence does not have to be dry and dull. In fact, the most effective business letters often touch on very personal matters, not just on money or the bottom line. Taking into account today’s informational overload it is important to be short and to the point in most of your correspondence.

Structure of a business letter

1. Sender’s address

The sender’s address is written on the top right-hand side of the page if the sheet of paper does not have a printed letterhead. The date is written on the right-hand side of the page below the sender’s address, sometimes separated from it by a space. If paper has a printed letterhead, the date is also usually written on the right-hand side of the page. The month in the date should not be written in figures, as they can be confusing. For example, 10.05.2010 means 10th of May 2010 in Britain, but in the US it means 5th of October 2010. Months are usually written not abbreviated, e.g. Oct. for October, but they can be abbreviated except for May. The abbreviation ‘th’ after the date is very often omitted, e.g. 24 May instead of 24thMay.

2. Receiver’s address

This is written below the sender’s address and on the opposite side of the page, i.e. the left-hand one. If the surname of the person to whom the letter is written is known, then it is written on the first line of the address, preceded by a courtesy title and either the person’s initial(s) or his/her first given name, e.g. Mr J.B. Priestly or Mr John Priestly, not Mr. Priestly. Courtesy titles used in addresses are the following:

Ø Mr (with or without a full stop; the full form ‘mister’ should not be used) is the usual courtesy title for a man.

Ø Mrs (with or without a full stop; the full form ‘mistress’ should not be used) is used for a married woman.

Ø Miss (not an abbreviation) is used for a young girl or unmarried woman.

Ø Ms (with or without a full stop) is used for both married and unmarried women. Many women now prefer to be addressed by this title, and it can be used when you are not sure whether the woman is married or not.

Ø Messrs. (with or without a full stop; abbreviation for Messieurs, which is never used) is used occasionally for two or more men, (e.g. Messrs P. Smith and B.D. Turner) but more commonly forms part of the name of a firm, (e.g. Messrs Jones &Wright Co.)

There are many special titles, which should be included in addresses:

Ø academic or medical titles, e.g. Doctor (Dr.), Professor (Prof.)

Ø military titles, e.g. Captain (Capt.), Major (Maj.), Colonel (Col.)

Ø aristocratic title, e.g. Sir (meaning that the person is a Knight, is always followed by a given name – Sir John Brown, not Sir J. Brown or Sir Brown), Dame, Lord, Baroness, etc.

Ø Esq (with or without a full stop; abbreviation for Esquire) is seldom used now. It is used instead of ‘Mr.’ and is placed after the name, e.g. Richard Morton Esq., not Esq. Richard Morton.

If the name of the person you are writing to is not known, you can write his/her title or position in the company, e.g. the Sales Manager, or the Finance Director, in which case you can use it in the address.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 728. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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