Студопедия — Research
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1. to study [ transitive ] | to research | to investigate [ transitive; intransitive ] to learn about a subject in a detailed way, using scientific methods, in order to discover new information or produce new ideas about it исследовать, изучать, заниматься (научными) исследованиями

to study / research / investigate sth: A team of scientists has been studying the effects of acid rain over a twenty-year period. | They have been researching the effects of the drug on mice. | The study investigates the impact of violent TV programming on children.

to study / investigate how / why…: NASA has used the space shuttle to study how materials perform in a weightless environment. | The research aims to investigate why schools are not doing better.

to research: He researched alone at night, and by day discussed his findings with no one.

to research in sth to carry out a study within a broad field of human experience: He's researching in medieval history.

to research into sth to carry out a study on a particular subject within a field of human experience: She's researching into possible cures for AIDS. | He researched into the causes / effects of cigarette smoking.

2. research | researches (formal) | study | investigation [ uncountable ] detailed work that you do, using scientific methods, in order to discover new information or produce new ideas about a particular subject, especially in a university or scientific institution (научное) исследование, изучение, изыскание, анализ; исследовательская работа: scientific / medical / historical / linguistic research | a research student / assistant / laboratory | Recent research shows that babies in the womb can be influenced by music. | The research will investigate the problems people have in using experimental machines in building societies. | The problem needed to be handed over to scientific investigation.

research in sth research work within a broad area of knowledge: He is famous for his research in linguistics / history / chemistry.

research into / on sth research work on a specific subject within an area of knowledge: research into the causes / effects / origin / problem of cancer | He concluded that research into their effectiveness is incomplete and unclear. | Some suggest segregating girls from boys in math and science courses, relying on dubious research on child development. | There is clearly a need for further research on this topic.

study of: the sociological study of crime | Grammars and parsers were invented for the study of human languages. | Our comparative study of political culture includes five democracies. | Paleontology is the study of ancient life.

to be engaged / involved in research заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

to do / conduct / carry out / undertake research проводить / предпринимать исследования: She's doing research into the connection between crime and poverty. | They are doing / conducting / carrying out some fascinating research into / on the language of dolphins.

researches: He was helped in his researches by local naturalists. | His researches produced some interesting results.

3. study [ countable ] a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written report (научное) исследование, научная работа, монография; статья; результаты исследования: The study showed / suggested a link between radiation leaks and cancer. | Recent studies show / suggest that women still get paid a lot less than men.

study of / into / on sth: a study of Australian wild birds | He published a review of studies on sex education programs in public schools.

to carry out / conduct / do / make a study (into / on sth): We're carrying out / conducting / doing a study into how much time people spend watching television each day. | A series of studies was made to discover the relationship between diet and behaviour.

4. paper [ countable ] a piece of writing or a talk on a particular subject by an expert who has made a study of it научный доклад; статья; диссертация: a scientific paper | a paper on psychology | When is your sociology paper due?

to write / produce a paper: He wrote papers on ethnography. | He was one of the scientists involved in the research that produced the paper.

to publish a paper: He has published many papers on the subject.

to give / present / deliver a paper (on sth) делать / читать доклад: Professor Usborne gave a paper on recent developments in his field. | Leading scholars have been invited to present papers at the conference.

5. thesis [ countable ] a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD диссертация: a graduate / postgraduate thesis | From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed. | You might even end up starting on another project with a new thesis adviser. | He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.

master's thesis магистерская диссертация: He really took the matter to heart and finally wrote his Master's thesis on the subject.

doctoral / Ph.D. thesis докторская диссертация: He wrote his doctoral / Ph.D. thesis on contemporary French literature.

6. dissertation [ countable ] a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done as part of a degree course at college or university диссертация; дипломная работа: Assessment is by written examination and dissertation. | More senior pupils in schools can use a word processor to write up projects or dissertations for internal or external examinations. | Many doctoral dissertation proposals will be as long as 60 or more pages.

7. thesis | dissertation COLLOCATIONS

thesis / dissertation on / about sth: His thesis on the division of labour itself lacks an adequate conception of power. | This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general. | He is currently writing a dissertation on the Somali civil war.

to write / do / work on / undertake a thesis / dissertation: He wrote his doctoral thesis on contemporary French literature. | I was doing a thesis on working-class education in the late nineteenth century. | She's still working on her thesis. | She did her dissertation in History / on Baudelaire. | Pupils also undertake a dissertation on a subject of their own choice.

to submit a thesis / dissertation (to an examining board) представлять диссертацию / дипломную работу к защите

submission of a thesis / dissertation (to an examining board) представление диссертации / дипломной работы к защите: Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.

to accept / reject a thesis / dissertation утвердить / отвергнуть диссертацию

to refer back a thesis / dissertation вернуть диссертацию на доработку

8. research worker | researcher [ countable ] someone who does research исследователь, ученый: The Avon Papers are now available for study by research workers on application to the University Library. | Take care that your teaching is not guided by your preferences as a research worker.

9. scientist [ countable ] someone who is trained in science, especially someone whose job is to do scientific research ученый; естествоиспытатель; научный работник / сотрудник: a research / nuclear scientist | a great / eminent / distinguished scientist | Scientists say they've already collected more data than had been expected.

10. scholar [ countable ] someone who studies and knows a lot about a particular subject, especially one that is not a science subject ученый; филолог: a great / eminent / distinguished scholar | a classical / classics / history / literary scholar | a Shakespearean / Greek scholar | He has proved to be an excellent literary scholar. | Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history.

11. research student | postgraduate / graduate studen t [ countable ] a student doing research under the direction of a college or university teacher последипломный студент; студент магистратуры; аспирант

12. research institute / centre [ countable ] научно-исследовательский институт

13. supervisor (BrE) | advisor (AmE) [ countable ] a teacher at a university who is in charge of a student's research научный руководитель: Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation.



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