Студопедия — Common mistakes
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Common mistakes

Summary 5-4


Review the first part of Common mistakes again


Task 1

Complete the text.

IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN? Complete the following text

I had decided to go into town (1).................. car, hoping that it would be easy to find a free parking place. The streets were full of cars, even though there seemed to be (2).................. people in the town centre, and so I had to go to a car park. I found the ticket machine, but it was out (3).......................................

I didn't want to leave the car without a ticket because York is full of bored traffic wardens ['wɔːdən], who (4).................. all the cars to make sure that the owners have paid. I think it's probably easier to (5).................. a bank than park your car without paying! I tried (find) (6)......................................... a traffic warden so that I could explain my problem, but of course, you can never find one if you want to! I had very (7)....................... time, so in the end I decided to leave some money on top of the car and hope that no one would (8)................................ it.

It was 2.00 p.m. by now, and I had arranged to meet my friend Alastair in an Indian restaurant at 1.45 p.m., so I hoped he hadn't arrived (9).................. time. I tried (phone) (10).............................. the restaurant to let him know that I would be late. One of the (11)..........................., who worked in the restaurant kitchen answered the phone, but he said he couldn't see anyone in the restaurant who looked like Alastair.

When I got to the restaurant, Alastair wasn’t there yet. I was standing next to two men, who were having an argument at the bar. One of them threw his drink (12).................. the other and I thought they were going to start hitting each other, but the manager came over (13).................. time to stop them.


Now, review the second page and check yourself


Task 2 Decide whether the following sentences are right or wrong. If a sentence is wrong, correct it.

1. Can I introduce you to my friend Huang-Mei. She's coming from Taiwan.

2. When Janis speaks, you can hear that she comes from London.

3. When Ron drove into Germany, the customs men searched for his car.

4. Fran couldn't remember where she'd parked her car and spent two hours searching it.

5. When Andrea went to Florence, she spent all day searching for a room.

6. Pam, would you like to have a toast with your coffee?

7. I'd like to propose a toast to John for all the help he's given me.

8. When Norbert was in hospital, he had to stay in the bed all day.

9. It was a single room, so I slept on the floor and she slept in the bed.

10. I like playing tennis with Shige, but he often wins me.

11. Anna was hit with a horse that was running away.

12. This lock can only be opened by a very large key.

13. If you see me tomorrow morning, could you remind me of the phone bill?

14. When I hear this music it reminds me of being in Greece

15. Satoko is going to the hairdresser's this afternoon to cut her hair.

16. In case my little brother throws his toys at you, shout at him.

17. Put a swimming costume in your suitcase in case we go to the sea.

18. In case my watch breaks, I'll take it to be repaired.

19. Because Uzi is having problems in class, his parents are going to school next week to talk to the teachers.

20. Tracy's car broke down, so she caught a bus that was going to the prison.

21. If you lay the towels out on the grass they'll dry very quickly.

22. In summer, the park is full of people laying on the grass.

23. Yoshi always tries to say the truth, even if it's difficult.

24. I have this photograph of you. Can you sign your name on the backside?


Homework for the



Common mistakes

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Check yourself | New prepositions!!!

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