Студопедия — Making use of new vocabulary
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Making use of new vocabulary

Replace the underlined words and word combinations in the following sentences by their synonyms from the recording.

1. The dog just put its head on its front feet, settled into a comfortable position, yawned and fell asleep.

2. The hill was very steep and they were all gasping by the time they got to the top.

3. The mist began to disappear from the field.

4. That night we followed his advice.

5. Very, very quickly the dog took the stick in its mouth and ran back.

6. It was a difficult flight and they were so exhausted that they just lay down and fell asleep.

7. It was so dark that I knocked against a tree.

8. When the wolf realised it could be caught it ran off in the direction of the forest.

Follow-Up Activities

Work in small groups. Role-play the fairy tale.

Imagine you are telling the fairy tale to a group of children. Reproduce it as close to the text of the recording as possible.


Text Title: White Christmas

Cassette: Christmas Songs

Pre-Listening Exercises

1.1. Make sure you know these words and word combinations:

glisten [ÈglIsn] - сверкать, блестеть

May your (days...) be... - Пусть ваши (дни) будут...

1.2. Do you have a picture in your mind about what Christmas day is like?


Listening Exercises

2.1. Listen to the tape and answer these questions:

1. Why is the song called “White Christmas”?

2. What Christmas wishes does the song send to the listeners?

Note down the text of the song.


Follow-Up Activity

Enjoy singing the song “White Christmas”.



Text Title: Cinderella by Ch.Perrault

Cassette: From American Recordings for Children

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Before listening to the text go through the following vocabulary and clear up any difficulties. Learn the following a) verbs and verbal phrases; b) nouns; c) adjectives as they are used in the text.

rags - shabby clothes

merriment - joy

whirlwind [ÈwÎùlwInd] - an extremely strong wind that moves quickly with a circular movement, causing a lot of damage

godmother - a woman who promises to help a child, and to teach him or her Christian values

wand [wnd] - a thin stick you hold in your hand to do magic tricks

spell - a piece of magic that someone does or the special words or ceremonies used in doing it

cinder (usually plural) - a very small piece of burnt wood, coal

swirl [swÎùl] - a twisting circular movement

hush - a period of silence that comes after there has been a lot of noise

flash - a bright light that shines for a short time and then stops shining

nag [nQg] - scold or criticize continuously

fix somebody’s hair - make one’s hair look neat and attractive

fix the fire - make the fire

pound with excitement/joy - beat very quickly (about heart)

flood down [flÃd] - go/arrive in large amount

be perched on/upon [pÎùtSt] - be in a position on top of sth

dash around - go or run somewhere very quickly

sweep - move quickly and confidently especially because they are impatient or like to seem important

escort [IÈskùt] - go with someone to protect or guard them

startle [stAùtl] - make someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked

prosper [Èprsp«] - be successful and become rich

not leave somebody’s side - always be with someone and look after them

shimmering - shining with a soft light that looks as if it shakes slightly

glum - sad and not talking much

dainty [ÈdeIntI] - small, pretty and delicate


Listening Exercises

Listen to the tape to identify whether the fairy tale was

A) read b) acted c) told


2.2. Answer the following alternative questions:

1. Were Ella’s stepsisters jealous of her because she was clever of doing things or because she was beautiful and happy?

2. Did Ella’s stepmother give her the name of Cinderella or was the name given to her at birth?

3. Did the King invite all the young ladies of the kingdom to a grand ball or only young girls under 20?

4. Did Ella’s stepsisters ask her to go with them or did she stay home all alone?

5. Was the prince unhappy at the ball because he didn’t like it or because he had not met the girl he could marry?

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 405. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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