Студопедия — Positivism
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The characteristic features of positivism (Latin 'positivus' - positive):

· Critical of traditional philosophy as divorced (айырылған/оторванный) from reality;

· Philosophy must abandon the abstract language and rely on scientific methods (experience, experiment, etc.);

· The main purpose of philosophy is the generalization and systematization of these particular sciences objectively existing world.


August François Comte (1798-1857)

Scientific knowledge, according to Comte, is the highest level of human development. The most valuable kind of knowledge is scientific (positive) - reliable and useful. Metaphysics on the contrary is the inaccurate, misleading and unhelpful. Comparing the utopian projects of creating an ideal society, he came to the conclusion that the need to abandon the utopian. He called for a concrete social life to study, organize, and summarize it. Science should not investigate the ultimate causes and effects, but only describe them. This principle has become one of the major tenets of positivism.



Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

He introduced the term social evolution. Three formulas to explain social evolution:

· Natural selection

· Struggle for existence

· Survival of the fittest

The government should not interfere with the natural processes in the society. Adjusted people will survive, and unsuitable - extinct. Only the strong will be able to reach higher levels of development. Socialism and communism - is impossible. People tend to: love of power, ambition, injustice, dishonesty All attempts to speed up the progress of humanity through administrative measures only lead to a revival of the military type of society.

The list of individual rights for Spencer:

· Security of person

· Free movement

· Freedom of conscience

· Freedom of speech

· Freedom of press


John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

The most remarkable product of Mill is his "System of Logic." The logic, according to Mill, is the theory of evidence. Logic should establish clear rules for distinguishing truth - from the lies, true inferences (шешімдер/выводы) from the infidels (қате/неверные). The criterion of truth is experience. Truth is consistent with the objective reality and the facts. All our knowledge has the experimental origin.




Lecture # 12


Of XIX – early XX centuries

Content of the lecture:

1. Introduction

2. Marxism

3. Positivism

4. The theory of elites

5. Conclusion


The second half of the XIX century was characterized by a critical of the provisions of the German classical philosophy. There were attempts to avoid excessive (шектең тыс/чрезмерный) abstraction to the practical using of philosophical ideas. During this period, such philosophies as Marxism, positivism and the theory of elites were dominating.


Characteristic features of Marxism:

· Rejection of overly abstract reasoning;

· Refusal to idealize classical German philosophy;

· Commitment to the practical implementation of the philosophical ideas;

· Development of dialectical materialism. The basic original of the world is the matter. Matter has a multi-level structure. All the elements of the structure are in constant interaction and development on the basis of the laws of nature;

· Interest in social and political issues;

· Development of formation approach to the historical development of society and the typology of (the slave system, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism);

· Development of the theory of scientific communism as an ideal society of the future.

Representatives: Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895).



The characteristic features of positivism (Latin 'positivus' - positive):

· Critical of traditional philosophy as divorced (айырылған/оторванный) from reality;

· Philosophy must abandon the abstract language and rely on scientific methods (experience, experiment, etc.);

· The main purpose of philosophy is the generalization and systematization of these particular sciences objectively existing world.


August François Comte (1798-1857)

Scientific knowledge, according to Comte, is the highest level of human development. The most valuable kind of knowledge is scientific (positive) - reliable and useful. Metaphysics on the contrary is the inaccurate, misleading and unhelpful. Comparing the utopian projects of creating an ideal society, he came to the conclusion that the need to abandon the utopian. He called for a concrete social life to study, organize, and summarize it. Science should not investigate the ultimate causes and effects, but only describe them. This principle has become one of the major tenets of positivism.



Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

He introduced the term social evolution. Three formulas to explain social evolution:

· Natural selection

· Struggle for existence

· Survival of the fittest

The government should not interfere with the natural processes in the society. Adjusted people will survive, and unsuitable - extinct. Only the strong will be able to reach higher levels of development. Socialism and communism - is impossible. People tend to: love of power, ambition, injustice, dishonesty All attempts to speed up the progress of humanity through administrative measures only lead to a revival of the military type of society.

The list of individual rights for Spencer:

· Security of person

· Free movement

· Freedom of conscience

· Freedom of speech

· Freedom of press


John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

The most remarkable product of Mill is his "System of Logic." The logic, according to Mill, is the theory of evidence. Logic should establish clear rules for distinguishing truth - from the lies, true inferences (шешімдер/выводы) from the infidels (қате/неверные). The criterion of truth is experience. Truth is consistent with the objective reality and the facts. All our knowledge has the experimental origin.




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