Студопедия — Task 2. Read the following advertisements of Welsh pubs and discuss with a partner where you would like to go and what you are going to eat and drink.
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Task 2. Read the following advertisements of Welsh pubs and discuss with a partner where you would like to go and what you are going to eat and drink.

Bryn Tyrch, Capel Curig, Conwy. Near Betwys-y-Coed Bryn Tyrch means 'Boar's Hill', not the best name perhaps for a whitewashed inn that specialises in vegetarian and vegan dishes, though carnivores are well catered for as well. This is walking and climbing territory in Snowdonia and the inn will advise on good walks. It has two comfortable bars with fires and reading material, and a darts board and pool table in one. Bar food is served from 12 noon to 9.30pm and may include zucchini dippers with spicy tomato sauce; stir-fried tamari, ginger and garlic; ciabatta with choice of fillings; butterbean and vegetable curry; carrot, courgette and lentil loaf; broccoli, cauliflower and Stilton crumble; chicken, leek and bacon cobbler; and sausages with mushroom gravy. Desserts include rhubarb crumble and vegan syrup tart. There's an enormous breakfast – meat, vegetarian or vegan – for guests. As well as such ales as Flowers IPA and Wadworth 6X, there's a tremendous choice of teas and coffees, which come with vegan fruit cake. Accommodation is available.

Olde Bull's Head Castle Street, Beaumaris, Anglesey. A 17th-century coaching inn visited by both Dr Johnson and Charles Dickens, the Bull's Head includes among its many fascinating artefacts the town's old ducking stool, antique weapons, including some terrifying cutlasses, and old china. There's also a brass water clock, cosy alcoves, low beams, old settles and an open fire. Another claim to fame is that the courtyard door is closed by the biggest single-hinged door in Britain. Food is served from a new brasserie lunchtime and evening, and may offer home-made soup; ploughman's; potato gnocchi with baked goat's cheese, leeks and cream, and several other pasta dishes; pork schnitzel with cous-cous and lemon and caper butter; confit of duck; and braised Welsh lamb. Desserts include traditional bara brith and butter pudding with ice-cream. Handpumped beers are Draught Bass and Worthington, with a regular guest ale, and there's a tremendous range of wines totalling more than 200, including several half bottles. The guest rooms are named after Dickens' characters: fancy a night in the Bill Sykes room?

Skirrid Mountain Inn, Llanvihangel Crucorney, Monmouthshire. The Skirrid claims to be the oldest pub in Wales and is a good base for climbing in the Black Mountains. It has a long and gory history. It dates from 1100 when James Crowther was hanged from a beam in the bar for sheep stealing. Over the centuries, more than 1,800 have been despatched in the inn, which also doubled as the local courthouse. The Skirrid has also been involved in Owain Glyndwr's revolt against Henry IV in the early 15th century, and the Monmouth Rebellion of the 17th century when the Duke of Monmouth led a rebellion against James II. Not surprisingly, the Skirrrid is haunted by many ghosts and the rope mark on the hanging beam is clearly visible. Today, it's a remarkably convivial place, with its studded wood door, stone walls and flagstones, a panelled dining room, pews, and a huge log fire. Beers come from Ushers of Trowbridge and include Best Bitter and Founder's Ale, while food comes in the shape of p‰té of Brecon blue cheese; breaded Pencary wedges with home-made quince and elderberry relish; aubergines with red lettuce and cabbage; Hereford pork pot with apples, raisins, ginger and cider; and Welsh cockles and mussels in briny broth. Accommodation is available.

Neuadd Arms Hotel The Square, Llanwrtyd Wells, Mid Wales. This Georgian hotel, run with great panache by Gordon Green, is more an experience than a pub. There's always an event going on, perhaps a beer festival, walks called Real Ale Wobbles and Rambles, with free beer at check points, and the World Bog-Snorkelling Championships in August. If you don't know what bog-snorkelling is, it's best not to ask. Beers in the bar of this Georgian hotel include Felinfoel Double Dragon and Hancock's HB, with an ever-changing range of guest beers. Food, lunchtime and evening, may include cod in batter; grilled Welsh lamb cutlets; freshly-made omelettes; steaks; and shepherd's pie and mushy peas.

Cardiff Cottage, 25 Mary's Street, Cardiff. A classic Cardiff boozer for St David's Day. In the city centre, it has an ornate wood frontage with a long, narrow single bar inside with many mirrors and a raised area at the back used mainly by diners. Lunchtime grub includes steak in ale pie; fresh cod in batter and other fresh fish such as plaice and haddock; corned beef and potato pie; curry; and lasagne. There's a tremendous roast lunch on Sundays that has them queueing in the streets. First and foremost, this is a pub that serves the ales from Brain's, the local brewery, including Dark, Bitter and the strong SA, which the brewery thinks stands for Special Ale but everyone else in the valleys knows means 'Skull Attack'.


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