Студопедия — Interview with a Famous Actor
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Interview with a Famous Actor

Interviewer: Thank you for taking some time off from your busy schedule to answer a few questions about your life!
Brad: It's my pleasure.

Interviewer: Could you tell us about an average day in your life?
Brad: Sure, I get up early - at 7 in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast, I go to the gym.

Interviewer: Are you studying anything now?
Brad: Yes, I'm learning a new film called "The Man About Town".

Interviewer: What do you do in the afternoon?
Brad: First I have lunch, then I go to the studio and shoot some scenes.

Interviewer: Which scene are you acting today?
Brad: I'm acting a scene about an angry lover.

Interviewer: That's very interesting. What do you do in the evening?
Brad: In the evening, I go home and have dinner and study my scripts.

Interviewer: Do you go out at night?
Brad: Not always, I like going out at weekends.

Q: Why does the interviewer thank Brad?

for visiting him
for taking time off
for telephoning

Q: What does Brad do after breakfast?

He studies his scripts.
He goes to the studio.
He goes to the gym.

Q: What is Brad studying now?

The Man
The Man About Town
The Loverboy

Q: What does he do in the afternoon?

He goes to the studio.
He goes to the gym.
He studies his scripts.

Q: When does he like going out?

at night
on Sundays
at weekends

What Were You Doing?

Betsy: I telephoned you yesterday afternoon but you didn't answer? Where were you?
Brian: I was in another room when you called. I didn't hear the phone ringing until it was too late.

Betsy: What were you working on?
Brian: I was photocopying a report that I needed to send to a client. What were you doing when you telephoned?

Betsy: I was looking for Tom and couldn't find him. Do you know where he was?
Brian: Tom was driving to a meeting.

Betsy: Oh, I see. What did you do yesterday?
Brian: I met the representatives from Driver's in the morning. In the afternoon, I worked on the report and was just finishing when you telephoned. What did you do?

Betsy: Well, at 9 I had a meeting with Ms Anderson. After that, I did some research.
Brian: Sounds like a boring day!

Betsy: Yes, I don't really like doing research. But it needs to be done.
Brian: I agree with you on that, no research - no business!

Betsy: Tell me about the report. What do you think of it?
Brian: I think the report is a good. Tom believes it's good, too.

Betsy: I know that every report you write is excellent.
Brian: Thank you Betsy, you are always a good friend!

Q: What was Brian doing when Betsy telephoned?

He was photocopying a report.
He was having a coffee-break.
He was at a meeting.

Q: What was Betsy doing when she telephoned Brian?

She was writing a report.
She was looking for Tom.
She was planning a meeting.

Q: What did Brian do yesterday morning?

He worked on the report.
He drove to a meeting.
He met representatives from Driver's.

Q: When did Betsy have a meeting with Ms Anderson?

this afternoon
yesterday afternoon
yesterday morning

Q: Betsy thinks Brian does excellent work.

doesn't say

What's in Your Office?

David: I've got a new office now…
Maria: That's great! Congratulations.

David: I'll need a desk and some cabinets. How many cabinets are there in your office?
Maria: I think there are four cabinets in my office.

David: And do you have any furniture in your office? I mean other than the chair at your desk.
Maria: Oh yes, I've got a sofa and two comfortable armchairs.

David: Are there any tables in your office?
Maria: Yes, I've got a table in front of the sofa.

David: Is there a computer in your office?
Maria: Oh yes, I keep a laptop on my desk next to the phone.

David: Are there any flowers or plants in your office?
Maria: Yes, there are a few plants near the window.

David: Where's your sofa?
Maria: The sofa is in front of the window, between the two armchairs.

David: Thanks a lot for your help Janet. This gives me a good idea of how to arrange my office.
Maria: My pleasure. Good luck with your decorating!

Q: David has just received a new job.

Doesn't say

Q: David is sure he will need some cabinets in his new office.

Doesn't say

Q: Maria thinks it is a good idea to have comfortable furniture in an office.

Doesn't say

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 851. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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