Студопедия — К указанным словам подберите антонимы и переведите на русский язык.
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К указанным словам подберите антонимы и переведите на русский язык.

legal death
decline total
punish prosperity
prohibit peace
begin modern

Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

little old
bad easy
new interesting
many good
fast clever

Вставьте пропущенные местоимения (личные, притяжательные, личные в объектном падеже).

1. This is … favourite restaurant.

2. … play tennis every day.

3. Does … enjoy fishing?

4. … birthday is in August.

5. Show … your passport.

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Контрольная работа №2

Вариант I

International law

International law (also called PUBLIC INTERNA­TIONAL LAW, or LAW OF NATIONS) is the body of legal rules that apply between sovereign states and such other entities as have been granted international personality (status acknowledged by the international community).

Like precepts of international morality, the rules of international law are of a normative character; that is, they prescribe standards of conduct. They distinguish themselves, however, from moral rules by being, at least potentially, designed for authoritative interpretation by an independent judicial authority and by being capable of enforcement by the application of external sanctions.

International law means public international law as distinct from private international law or the conflict of laws, which deals with the differences between the municipal laws of different countries.

International law forms a contrast to municipal law. While international law applies only between entities that can claim international personality, municipal law is the internal law of states that regulates the conduct of individuals and other legal entities within their jurisdiction.

International law should also be distinguished from quasi-international law, which is the law governing relations similar to those covered by international -law but outside the pale of international law because at least one of the parties lacks international personality. Concession agreements between oil companies and sovereign states fall into this category. In case of doubt, : they are subject to the municipal law of the state granting the concession.

Transnational law is a purely negative term. It is intended to convey that, in accordance with the intention of contracting parties, a transaction of a consensual character is not or should not be subject to municipal law These are the forms in which rules of international law come into existence; i.e., treaties, rules of interna­tional customary law, and general principles of law rec­ognized by civilized nations.'


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К указанным словам подберите синонимы и переведите на русский язык.

call (v) rule (n)
legal distinguish
law design (v)
company conduct (n)
state (n) regulate (v)

К указанным словам подберите антонимы и переведите на русский язык.

negative general
lack (v) independent
agreement external
law public
doubt (n) similar


Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What is international law?

2) What are the rules of international law?

3) Does it from a contrast to municipal law?

4) What is guasi - international law?

5) Are there any forms in which rules of international law come into existence?


Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter... the local police. In the letter he was asked to call... the station. Ted wondered why he w as wanted... the police, but he went to the station yesterday and how he is not worried any more. At the station he was told... a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up... a small village four hundreds miles away. It is now being sent... his home... train. Ted was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy... fifteen!


Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 474. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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