Студопедия — OXBRIDGE
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Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge. Both universities are independent. Only the education elite go to Oxford and Cambridge. Most of their students are former public schools leavers.

The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Some courses, such as languages or medicine, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are awarded at public degree ceremonies. Oxford and Cambridge cling to their traditions, such as the use of Latin at degree ceremonies. Full academic dress is worn at examinations.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name, its coat of arms. Each college is governed by Master.

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is the second largest in Britain, after London. The university’s earliest charter is dated to 1213.

There are now 24 colleges for men, 5 for women and another 5 which have both men and women members.

Cambridge University started during the 13th century and has grown until today. Now there are more than thirty colleges.

The University was only for men until 1871, when the first women’s college was opened.

The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs, enough for every interest one could imagine. Sport is part of students’ life at Oxbridge. The most popular sports are rowing and punting.




Founded in 1969 in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, the Open University – so called because it is open to all – does not require any formal academic qualifications to study for a degree, and many ‘mature students’ enroll. The university is non-residential and courses are mainly taught by post and by programmes on state radio and television. There are, however, short summer courses and special part-time study centres where the students can meet their tutors when they have problems.





Education is not mentioned in the Constitution, nor is there any federal department of education, so the matter is left to individual states. Education is free and compulsory in all states, however, from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18).


At 6 years of age children begin the first year of elementary school, which is called grade 1 or first grade (the second year is ‘grade 2’, etc). at elementary school the emphasis is placed on the basic skills (speaking, reading, writing and arithmetic), though the general principle throughout the American school system is that children should be helped and encouraged to develop their own particular interests.


Children move on to high school in the ninth grade, where they continue until the twelfth grade. There are two basic types of high school: one with a more academic curriculum, preparing students for admission to college, and the other offering primary vocational education (training in a skill or trade). The local school board decides which courses are compulsory. There is great freedom of choice, however, and an important figure in high schools is the guidance counselor, who advises the students on what courses to take on the basis of their career choices and frequent aptitude and ability tests.


In order to receive the high school diploma necessary in most states to get into college, students must accumulate a minimum number of credits, which are awarded for the successful completion of each one- or half-year course. Students hoping to be admitted to the more famous universities require far more than the minimum number of credits and must also have good grades (the mark given on the basis of course work and a written examination). Extra-curricular activity (such as playing for one of the school’s sports teams) is also very important in the American school system and is taken into consideration by colleges and employers.

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