Студопедия — Economic
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1 Email is very fast and effective, but there are areas where it is preferable to use letters, e.g. personal, confidential, or legal correspondence.

2 Email addresses usually give the name of the person or department, then the @ (at) symbol, followed by the name of the company or institution, and finally the domain names, which indicate the type of organization and the country from which the message was sent.

3 The language of emails can be quite informal, but if you do not know the recipient well, it is better to keep to the usual writing conventions. You can become more informal as you establish a working relationship.

4 It is possible to use special abbreviations, e.g. tlas and emoticons, but do not confuse your recipient by using abbreviations he or she may not know or understand.


Key terms: economy, economics, economic system, macroeconomics,

microeconomics, macro environment, international economics GDP GNP


1. scarce 1. a means to an end

2. to convey 2. to do smth on purpose

3. to imply 3. to take steps

4. rate 4. invisible hand

5. utility 5. to pursue self-interests

6. available 6. economic man

7. free 7. the notion/theory holds

8. interference 8. prevailing pattern

9. assumption 9. reasonable approximation

10. self-starter 10. supply-demand framework

11. wholism 11. reasoned explanation

12. synergy 12. sciences split into subdivisions

13. reasoning 13. to range from … to

14. allocation 14. to leave to the discretion of

15. distribution 15. demand for and supply of goods

16. performance 16. a matter of degree

17. to consider 17. return on investments

18. to charge 18. a matter of degree

19. equitable 19. governmental agencies

20. employment 20. to set a rate

21. unemployment 21. skill mixes

22. inflation 22. macro environment

23. growth 23. diverse set of goals

24. forecast 24. to observe the rules

25. feasible 25. ultimate arbiter

26. obligation 26. to adjust to innovations

27. adequate 27. to opportunity cost

28. violation 28. terms of trade

29. measure 29. import quotas

30. ad valorem 30. customs duties

31. wealth 31. downward/upward-sloping curve

32. inputs 32. linear/nonlinear curve

33. outputs 33. to have access to modern technologies

34. efficiency 34. absolute/relative prices

35. constitute 35. to be culture bound

36. branch 36. to be indifferent to the needs

37. vital 37. output per capita/ head

38. to operate 38. to produce domestically

39. to protect 39. take into account

40. ratio 40. with reference to

41. to regulate 41. to be relevant to

42. to restrict 42. exception to the rules

43. to occur 43. to apply to everyone

44. to tend 44. to be beyond the control of smb





1. Introduction

2. Definition(s) of management

3. Schools of management

4. Taylor’s, Fayol’s, Drucker’s contributions to management

5. Modern approach(es) to management

6. Functions and principles of management

7. Management: art or science?

8. Conclusion



1. Introduction

2. History of Economics

1. Macroeconomics

2. Microeconomics

3. Economic Systems

4. Macro environment

5. International Economics

6. Conclusion



1. Introduction

2. What is Organization?

3. Structure of an Organization

4. Types of Business Organizations

5. Forms of Business Organizations

6. Becoming a learning organization

7. International Business

8. Conclusion




1. Introduction

2. Corporate culture: definition and its role for a company

3. Company values

4. Types of organizational culture

5. Managing cultural differences

6. Organizational climate

7. Conclusion


When an artist looks at the world, he sees colour.

When a musician looks at the world, he hears music.

When an economist looks at the world,

he hears a symphony of costs and benefits.

D. Colander


Your vocabulary


- a system according to which the money, industry, and trade of a country or

region are organized.

- a country’s economy is the wealth that it gets from business and industry.

- careful spending or the use of things in order to save money.

- large-size packages of goods which are cheaper than the normal sized packages on sale.


- concerned with economics and with the organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or social group.

- relating to services, businesses, etc. that produce a profit.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 363. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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