Студопедия — My University
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My University

There are many universities in Moscow. The head of a univer­sity is Rector. Usually there are several faculties in a university. Each faculty has a number of specialized departments and is headed by dean. The course of studies lasts (продолжается) 5-6 years.

The academic year in this country's higher schools begins on the 1-st of September and is divided into two terms (semesters). Students take exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examinations are good, students get grants. Twice a year stu­dents have vacations – two weeks in winter and two months in summer.

My University has several buildings, old and new ones. There are many various laboratories. There is a very good library and a computer center in the main building.

Every faculty has its own specialized library, laboratories, workshops and computer centers.

The first- and second-year students study general engineering subjects (общетехнические предметы). In the third year students begin to study specialized subjects.

A very good tradition of our University is that theory is accom­panied by practical training. Students begin to work at the Univer­sity's well-equipped (хорошо оборудованный) laboratories and in senior years at various plants, design offices and research institutes of this country.

It is interesting but difficult to study at our University, espe­cially for the first-year students as they do not know yet how to or­ganize their work and time.

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences, make them negative and interrogative.

1. The books are taken from the library. 2. He was asked to help one of our students. 3. Many newspapers and magazines are pub­lished in this country. 4. That problem was discussed at our meet­ing. 5. The diagrams were brought by our monitor. 6. The exams will be taken in January. 7. They were told to do their work quickly. 8. The study of theory is accompanied by practical training. 9. A new laboratory was opened last year. 10. We shall be given a new task tomorrow. 11. Every institute is headed by Rector. 12. In sum­mer you will be sent to a big plant for your industrial training.


Exercise 8. Переведите следующие производные слова:

глагол + tion (-ion, -sion) = существительное

to examine – проверять, экзаменовать → examination – экзамен

to apply – применять, использовать → application – применение

to educate – education; to adopt – adoption; to graduate – graduation; to specialize – specialization; to organize – organi­zation; to revise – revision

глагол + -er, -or = существительное (обозначение деятеля)

to sell – продавать → seller – продавец

to visit – посещать → visitor – посетитель

существительное + al = прилагательное

education – образование → educational – образовательный

industry – industrial; profession – professional; person – personal;

существительное + ic = прилагательное

science – наука → scientific – научный;

basis – основа → basic – основной

drama – dramatic; patriot – patriotic

прилагательное + ly = наречие

high – высокий → highly – высоко

quick – quickly; usual – usually

глагол + -ment = абстрактное существительное

to treat – лечить → treatment лечение

to move – movement; to improve – improvement

Exercise 9. Read and translate the international words.

qualification, qualified ['kwɔlɪfaɪd], speciality [ˌspeʃɪ'ælətɪ], specialist, special, specialize, engineer [ˌenʤɪ'nɪə], serious ['sɪərɪəs], adoption, style [staɪl], method ['meθəd], distance, sys­tem, foundation, satellite ['sæt(ə)laɪt], course [kɔ:s], instruction, mathematics [ˌmæθ(ə)'mætɪks], physics ['fizɪks], chemistry ['kemɪstrɪ], history, economics, to concentrate ['kɔns(ə)ntreɪt], bachelor ['bæʧ(ə)lə], sport center, basic, exchange.

Exercise 10.

A) Read and remember the pronunciation of the following words.

high [haɪ], higher education, highly-qualified, important [im'pɔ:tənt], provide [prə'vaɪd], development [di'veləpmənt], process ['prəuses], progress ['prəugres], steadily ['stedɪlɪ], enough [ɪ'nʌf], through [θru:], thorough ['θʌrə], quality ['kwɔlətɪ], natural ['næʧ(ə)r(ə)l], science ['saɪəns], scientist ['saɪəntɪst], require [rɪ'kwaɪə], curricula [kə'rɪkjələ], foreign ['fɔrɪn], major ['meɪʤə], future ['fjuːʧə], further ['fɜːðə], re­search [rɪ'sɜːʧ], enterprise ['entəpraɪz], know [nəu], knowledge ['nɔlɪʤ], graduate ['grædjuət].

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