Студопедия — V. Translate the Russian fragment into English.
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V. Translate the Russian fragment into English.

1. In cold countries many people (носят) fur coats.

2. My new boots don't (подходят) me because I hadn't properly tried them on when I bought them.

3. If you study English (усердно), you will be able to get a very good (работу).

4. Madonna (сделала) her first album in 1983.

5. I'll (сделаю) my best but I can't promise (ничего).

6. You must (научиться) to recognize poisonous mush­rooms.

VI. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals.

1. It's your own... to check that all doors and windows are.... RESPONSIBLE, LOCK

2.1 won't waste any more of your... time. VALUE

3. How much... experience do you have in working with computers? PRACTICE

4. At last we've found good quality fur­niture at... prices. REASON

5. Jane's... showed in her voice. NERVE

6. This pie looks really...! TEMPT

7. It's really... when decent folk are afraid to leave their homes. GRACE

VII. Spot the errors and correct them.

1. The lilac is smelling so good!

2. No sooner he had touched the pillow than he fell asleep.

3. We were received very warmly and friendly there

4. Excuse me, is there a possibility of having meal here? VIII. Supply an appropriate stimulus-utterance.

1.__________________ -Rather!

2.__________________- Don't mention it.


I. Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The weather (be) terrible lately. It (rain) off and on for two days and the temperature (drop) at least ten degrees. It (be) only 10° above zero now. Just three days ago, the sun (shine) and the weather (be) pleasant. The weather certainly (change) very quickly here. I never (know) what to expect. Who (know)! When I (wake) up tomorrow morning, maybe it (snow).

2. I was supposed to take a test yesterday, but I (not/admit) into the testing room because the exam already (begin).

3. When Chris (lose) her job she (get) very depressed, so we all (try) to cheer her up.

4. All the roads to the north (block) by snow that's why we (can/not) reach the place at the appointed time.

II. Use the right article.

1. In many countries, you need... business card if you want to make... good impression. To... foreigner, it makes it easier to understand your name and... job you do. Make sure you include your name,... name of... company you work for, and... position you hold.

2. There was... earthquake in my hometown last year. It was just... small one, but I could feel... ground shaking.

3. He lent me... thousand pounds, which was exactly.. amount I needed to solve my problem.

Iii Fill in a suitable preposition or postposition.

1' frenchmen call it 'La Manche' but... the English, it is the English Channel, one... the world's most extraordina­ry pieces... water.... centuries the Channel has been Britain's defence... invaders. It has also been the only way.. - the Continent, a highway crowded... ships.

2. Keep away... Paul; he is... a really bad mood this morning.

3. Although their marriage was not a happy one, they decided to stay together... the sake... their children.

4. Mary said... me that she didn't want to be dependent... her parents... another three years.

5.... then nobody has ever known the reason... his disap­pearance.

IV. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. coffee/be/of/a/welcome/cup/would/very.

2. London/brilliant/severaythey/performances/in/gave.

3. private/speak/to/can/you/I/in?

4. dark/of/Luke/bed/is/going/afraid/to/in/the.

V. Translate the Russian fragment into English.

1. We had (такое) a pleasant time!

2. (Есть) is something I want to ask you about. (Это) is very important.

3. (Или) you know the answer (или) you don't. Make up your mind.

4. He spent (так много) money on the house that (в конце концов) he went bankrupt.

5. She couldn't remember where she had (оставила) her umbrella.

6. At first Ann found her new school quite strange, but she gradually (привыкает) to it.

VI. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals.

1. Many... are still... about the value of this... programme. SCIENCE, SCEPTIC, SEARCH

2. Students soon get... if you criticize them too often. COURAGE

3. Peter spoke so... that we could... hear him. QUIET, HARD

4. Bill says that... Latin or Ancient... is a waste of time. LEARN, GREECE

5.1 think that men drive more... than women. AGGRESSION

VII. Spot the errors and correct them.

1. How cloudy sky is!

2. You'd better not to go there alone.

3. Is it any time left?

4. No sooner had I got into the bath when the telephone rang.

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