Студопедия — Ex. 10. Supply the gerund or the infinitive in the place of the verb in brackets according to the meaning of the sentence.
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Ex. 10. Supply the gerund or the infinitive in the place of the verb in brackets according to the meaning of the sentence.

1. If I pick a gun, what do you think I mean (do)?

2. What do they hate (do)?

3. At the end of a concert what does the orchestra stop (do)?

4. I had been writing for several hours, so I stopped (have) a rest and went out into the street.

5. I put my pen in my pocket when I stopped (write).

6. Some of the children were so adventurous that I was anxious (lose) them.

7. Many of them were anxious (get) jobs in the city.

8. After David married, he stopped (live) with his parents.

9. Did you really need (tell) all the details?

10. Your watch needs (repair).

11. Does your room need (do)? I certainly need (do) mine.

12. My shoes want (clean).

13. Where is the shoe polish? I want (clean) my shoes.

14. Just try (be) more industrious. It will do you a lot of good.

15. What is he doing? He’s trying (open) the window.

16. Try (taste) the meat before offering it to our guests.

17. Try (not upset) yourself. We must keep our heads.

18. You must try (understand) what I say.

19. Try (add) water to your drink.

20. Do you mind my trying (mend) your watch?

21. Do you remember (meet) her once?

22. Please remember (wipe) your feet before coming in.

23. I completely forgot (turn off) the gas before leaving.

24. Don’t forget (take) your bathing things before setting off for the beach.

25. It is very hot this year. I am afraid you will regret (come) to the South.

26. I greatly regret (tell) you I’m to go away. I’m being waited for.

27. Your composition is very poor, I regret (say).

28. Passing by the radio-shop he suddenly remembered (buy) some tape for his recorder.


Ex. 11. Supply the gerund or the infinitive in the place of the verb in brackets according to the meaning of the sentence. Translate into Russian.

1. You should advise her (stop) (tell) lies.

2. I didn’t mean (offend) John, but I couldn’t help (tell) him that I didn’t think very much of him.

3. Quit (waste) my time!

4. I am very sorry for keeping you (wait).

5. Try not (drink) too much whisky.

6. Would you mind (explain) to me how to operate this machine?

7. My watch keeps (go) wrong.

8. Stop (worry)! Try (make) a fresh start.

9. I used (play) tennis.

10. The snow kept (fall) and the road was impassable.

11. Imagine (have) to walk these 30 miles every day.

12. I arranged (meet) them in the afternoon.

13. I suggested (meet) them after dinner.

14. If you go there you risk (get) lost.

15. We were about (start), when it rained.

16. Name three things than you loathe (do).

17. The study purports (show) an increase in the incidence of the disease.

18. Harry said nothing; he did not much fancy (do) his shopping while surrounded by a battalion of Aurors.

19. When do you envisage (finish) the project?

20. I am contemplating (go) abroad for a year.


Ex. 12. Supply the gerund or the infinitive in the place of the verb in brackets according to the meaning of the sentence. Translate into Russian.

1. There is a problem that needs (sort) out, a noisome problem but not unchallenging.

2. He disdained (answer) her rude remarks.

3. Avoiding (think) about Margaret, he found his thoughts turning towards his work.

4. Sir Pitt had an unmarried half-sister, who inherited her mother’s large fortune, and though the baronet proposed (borrow) this money of her on mortgage, Miss Crawley declined (offer) and preferred the security of the funds.

5. Local newspapers tend (be) parochial.

6. We can’t afford (get) sidetracked.

7. He hadn’t meant (shout), but anger and panic were threatening to overwhelm him.

8. You showed Horace exactly how much he stands (gain) by returning to Hogwarts.

9. Dumbledore had stopped (walk), level with the church they had passed earlier.

10. They purport (represent) the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.

11. I didn’t fancy (swim) in that water.

12. Both sides have pledged (end) the fighting.

13. The suspect denied (break) into the house.

14. They refused (do) as I had asked.

15. But trouble is always worth (save).

16. He kept (put) off (replace) Katie in the hope that she would return, but their opening match against Slytherin was looming, and he finally had to accept that she would not be back in time to play.

17. He claims (have) been invited to your party and (have) been delayed in setting out.

18. I chose (give) him that chance.

19. The horse moved so gracefully that he couldn’t resist (watch) it.

20. I have shown that the German language needs (reform). (Mark Twain)


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