Студопедия — Slim — стрункий
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Slim — стрункий

clumsy — незграбний, неповорот­кий, грубий, неоковерний

agreeable — приємний, милий

winsome — привабливий, чарівний; принадний приваблюючий

gentle — спокійний, м'який, добрий; легкий

plain-looking — негарний

ugly — потворний; бридкий, гидкий; по­ганий, мерзенний

affable — привітний, люб'язний, ввіч­ливий

amiable — дружній, люб 'язний, доб­розичливий, милий

good-natured — добродушний

kind-hearted — добросердий, чуйний

generous — шляхетний, велико­душний; щедрий

thougtful — вдумливий, багатий на думки; за­мислений, занурений у роздуми

discreet — стриманий; скромний; що вміє мовчати; обачний, розсудливий, обережний

earnest — поважний, серйозний; пере­конаний, щирий

on the contrary — навпаки

ill-natured — недоброї вдачі, злобний, злобли­вий, злісний

reserved — потаємний, стриманий, замкнутий, нетовариський, обережний

rude — грубий, невихований; суворий, жорсткий, знавіснілий

greedy —жадібний

showy — показний, ефектний, яскра­вий, крикливий; строкатий, блискучий; що викликає ефект

frankly speaking — відверто кажучи

former schoolmates — колишні однокласники

neighbourhood — околиці; район місцевості

best friend — найкращий друг, щирий друг

strong attractive body — сильне привабливе тіло

plump — пухкий

elegant — елегантний

clothes of the latest fashion — одяг з найнові­ших моделей (за останньою модою)

delicate features — витончені риси обличчя

her charm is irresistible — її шарм не відпор-ний

eyelashes — вії

for this reason — з цієї причини

turned-up nose — кирпатий ніс

pretty — симпатична, гарненька

inner beauty — внутрішня краса

Характеристика особистості

Ex. 1. Find the antonyms.

to be a real friend to be polite and tactful to be easy to deal with to be well-dressed to always help other people to be impolite and tactless to be selfish to think too little of other people to be hard to deal with to be ill-dressed



Ex. 2. Translate into English.

c ним (ней) легко ладить быть грубым со всеми думать только о себе

быть всегда готовым помочь эгоист никогда ни с кем не считаться

у него (нее) золотое сердце он (она) настоящий друг слишком мало заботиться о других

Граматичний матеріал: Артикль (Article)

Compare a and the in these examples:
• A man and a woman were sitting opposite me. The man was American, but I think the woman was British.
• When we were on holiday, we stayed at a hotel. Sometimes we ate at the hotel and sometimes we went to a restaurant

We use the when we are thinking of a specific thing. Compare a/an and the:
• Tim sat down on a chair.
(perhaps one of many chairs in the room)
Tim sat down on the chair nearest the door.
(a specific chair)
• Paula is looking for a job. (not a specific job)
Did Paula get the job she applied for?
(a specific job)
• Have you got a car? (not a specific car)
I cleaned the car yesterday.
(= my car)

We use the when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean.
For example, in a room we talk about the light / the floor / the ceiling / the door / the carpet etc.:



We also say (go to) the doctor / the dentist:
• Caroline isn't very well. She's gone to the doctor. (= her usual doctor)
• I don't like going to the dentist.

We say 'once a week / three times a day / £1.50 a kilo'
• 'How often do you go to the cinema?' 'About once a month.'
• 'How much are those potatoes?' '£1.50 a kilo.'
• Helen works eight hours a day, six days a week

Ex. 1. Put in a/an or the.
1. This morning I bought a newspaper and ______ magazine.
______ newspaper is in my bag, but I can't remember where I put ______ magazine.
2. I saw ______ accident this morning. ______ car crashed into ______ tree.
______ driver of ______ car wasn't hurt, but ______ car was badly damaged.
3. There are two cars parked outside: ______ blue one and ______ grey one.
______ blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don't know who ______ owner of ______ grey one is.
4. My friends live in ______ old house in ______ small village.
There is ______ beautiful garden behind ______ house. I would like to have ______ garden like that.

Ex. 2. Put in a/an or the where necessary.
1. Would you like apple? Would you like an apple?
2. How often do you go to dentist? _____________________________
3. Could you close door, please? _____________________________
4. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was mistake. _____________________________
5. Excuse me, where is bus station, please? _____________________________
6. I have problem. Can you help me? _____________________________
7. I'm just going to post office. I won't be long. _____________________________
8. There were no chairs, so we sat on floor. _____________________________
9. Have you finished with book I lent you? _____________________________
10. My sister has just got job in bank in Manchester. _____________________________
11. We live in small flat in city centre. _____________________________
12. There's supermarket at end of street I live in. _____________________________

Test paper

Ex. 1. Make nouns plural.



Ex. 2. Make questions to the underlined words.

1. It snows in winter.

2. We buy bread at this shop.

3. My sister leams many poems by heart.

4. Ann helps her mother about the house.

5. At the lessons we read and speak English.


Ex. 3. Chose the right form of the noun.

1. Two... were playing on the doorstep (child/children). 2. A... looked round the corner of the house (woman/women). 3. The... was large, and had a faded Morris wallpaper (room/rooms). 4. A... drove up, the large... leaped from the chair and raised its voice in a cre­scendo of barking (car/cars, dog/dogs). 5. A tall... of about fifty-seven came into sight (man/men).


Ex. 4. Make negative sentences using given ones.

1. You are an engineer.

2. His little brother is a schoolboy.

3. Нis parents are at home.

4. Our teacher is at the library.

5. The cars are in the street.


Ex. 5. Use the information given to complete the sentences.

1. If I leave my house at 9 o'clock and drive to the airport, I arrive at about 11.
So it's about _________ from my house to the airport. (drive)
2. If I leave my house at 8.40 and walk to the centre, I get there at 9 o'clock.
So it's ______________ from my house to the centre. (walk)
3. I'm going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th.
So I've got ______________. (holiday)
4. I went to sleep at 3 o'clock this morning and woke up an hour later. After that I couldn't sleep.
So last night I only had ______________. (sleep)

5. When I have free time, I prefer watching TV. Usually I spend about 2 hours a day watching TV. So I usually have _________________. (viewing)



Модуль самостійної роботи


1. Скласти генеалогічне дерево родини.

2. Індивідуальне читання за фахом (текст за професійним спрямуванням, переклад

українською мовою, анотація до тексту)


Підсумкова тека

1. Словник-мінімум (словник фахової лексики)

2. Граматичне тестування

Контроль оцінювання

Кількість правильних відповідей Оцінка
0 –11  
19-25 3,5
34-39 4,5


Змістовий Модуль 2: Студент та його родина


Практичне заняття № 1

Тема: Херсонський державний університет. Студмістечко.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 380. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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