Студопедия — University of Oxford
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University of Oxford

Oxford has no upper or lower limit on the age of those admitted as undergraduates. Historically, it was common for boys to become members of the university between the ages of fourteen and nineteen. Jeremy Bentham matriculated in 1761 at the age of thirteen, which was unusually young. At the present time, the usual age range of those admitted to study for first degrees begins at about seventeen, although the majority are eighteen or nineteen. Harris Manchester caters only to mature students above 21.

Prospective students apply through the UCAS application system, in common with most British universities, but (along with applicants for Medicine, Dentistry and Cambridge applicants) must observe an earlier deadline of 15 October. To allow a more personalized judgment of students, who might otherwise apply for both, undergraduate applicants are not permitted to apply to both Oxford and Cambridge in the same year.

Students successful in early examinations are rewarded by their colleges with scholarships and exhibitions, normally the result of a long-standing endowment, although when tuition fees were first abolished, the amounts of money available became purely nominal. Scholars, and exhibitioners in some colleges, are entitled to wear a more voluminous undergraduate gown; "commoners" (originally those who had to pay for their "commons", or food and lodging) being restricted to a short, sleeveless garment. The term "scholar" in relation to Oxbridge, therefore, had a specific meaning as well as the more general meaning of someone of outstanding academic ability. In previous times, there were "noblemen commoners" and "gentlemen commoners", but these ranks were abolished in the 19th century. "Closed" scholarships, available only to candidates who fitted specific conditions such as coming from specific schools, exist now only in name.

The academic year is divided into 3 terms, determined by Regulations. Michaelmas Term lasts from October to December; Hilary Term from January to March; and Trinity Term from April to June. Within these terms, Council determines for each year eight-week periods called Full Terms, during which undergraduate teaching takes place. These terms are shorter than those of many other British universities. Undergraduates are also expected to prepare heavily in the three holidays (known as the Christmas, Easter and Long Vacations).


II.Mark the statements which are true.

1. Oxford hasn’t any upper or lower limit on the age of those admitted as undergraduates.

2. Applicants are permitted to apply to both Oxford and Cambridge in the same year.

3. There are thirty-eight colleges of the University of Oxford and six Permanent Private Halls, each controlling its membership and with its own internal structure and activities.

4. The academic year consists of three terms.

III. Write down the answers to the following questions.

1. Who matriculated in 1761 at the age of thirteen?


2. Was it common for boys or girls to become members of the university between the ages of fourteen and nineteen?


3. Are students successful in early examinations rewarded by their colleges with gowns?


4. How many terms does the academic year have?


5. The terms are shorter than those of many other British universities, aren’t they?


I. Complete the sentences about yourself and translate them. Get ready to speak on this topic.

1. My full name is……..


2. In 19…on the ….. of …… I was born in the …..(city,town, village) of…….


3. In 19….. I went to school.


4. In 19…. I finished….(ordinary school, specialized school, lyceum, technical college).


5. In 20… I entered the Ural State Forest Engineering University.


6. I am a first-year student at the….(Correspondence) faculty.


7. I am specialized in….


8. My dean’s name is…..


9. There are a lot of subjects on my timetable. My favourite ones are…….


10. I never miss…..(classes, exams, tests, lectures, seminars).


11. There are…..(excellent, good, satisfactory) marks in my student record book.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 402. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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