Студопедия — Role plays
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Role plays

Role-plays give students the opportunity to demonstrate how to use English in real life situations and make them focus more on communication than on grammar. Role-play activities can be a lot of fun however a class full of shy students may be reluctant to participate so it is important to know your students.

Jeremy Harmer advocates the use of role-play for the following reasons:

It's fun and motivating

Quieter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way

The world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside world - thus offering a much wider range of language opportunities

The role of the teacher

Some of the possible teacher roles are:

Facilitator - students may need new language to be 'fed' in by the teacher. If rehearsal time is appropriate the feeding in of new language should take place at this stage.

Spectator - The teacher watches the role-play and offers comments and advice at the end.

Participant - It is sometimes appropriate to get involved and take part in the role-play yourself.

Project works

The role of project work in FLT. Benefits for students:

Work on topic of interest

Develop intellectual motor and social skills

Responsibility for their own learning (setting objectives)

Use LSP with a particular aim

The role of project work in FLT:

Project work:

Is student centered

Students create the end- product

Develops confidence and independence

Students work together in real – life environment by collobarating on a task defined by themselves

Why to use project works:

Integrated unit of work (beginning, middle, end)

Educates whole learner personality (intellectual, physical/ motor, social skills, learner independence skills, ability of self-reflection)

Emotional and personal development

Integrates language knowledge and skills.

Types of pr.work in FLT:

Short – term

Long – term

Stages of project work:

The planning stage – 1. Discuss and predict their specific language needs 2. Discuss the end- product and settle the objectives

The implementation stage – 1. Teacher monitors and supports 2. Achieving objectives

Creation of the end – product – 1. Presentation, 2. Formal or informal feedback

Managing the project in FLT

Introduce the project carefully

Establish the rules

Introduce the pr.work effectively

Plan your lessons very carefully

Have your all materials prepared and laid out

Arrange the furniture and prepare the board

Give very clear instructions

Monitor to be sure that they are all working satisfactorily

Plan time at the end of the lesson

Case – studies

Function is to solve practical – professional oriented tasks including non-standard problems

A problem situation is from real life or professional sphere.

Many ways of solving and research

Main principles are clarity of expression, accessibility, simplicity

Requirements are – correspondence to the aims of teaching, correspondence to the level of language learners, creative character

Length may be from 2-3 sentences to 2-3 pages

Case studies: Stages:

Choosing the aim of case study

Preliminary work on the search of the resource of information for the case study.

Collection of information from different sources

Thinking about the form and the way of presentation of the case study

Analyzing the case study and correct if necessary

Preparing recommendations how to use it. Thinking of all questions that may arise in the course of discussion


Computer technologies

Video technologies in FLT

The use of video technologies in FLT makes it possible to increase the effectiveness or efficiency in FLT. Using VT counts us to create real communicative situations, implement personality oriented approach.

Reasons to use VT:

seeing the language in use. Students do not only hear the language, they can see gestures and other features. VT gives valuable meaning, keys, provides better understanding.

Students become culturally aware.

The notion video inf. has 2 components:

Video text

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 909. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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