Студопедия — Fill in the gaps.
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Fill in the gaps.

  big flowers sleeps taste teeth  

1 Some animals __________ their food in a strange way.

2 The sloth isn’t __________ or small.

3 He hasn’t got big __________.

4 He __________ for ten hours a day.

5 He likes eating __________.




Countries, 200 Years


axis – ось (координат)

well (better) off – богатый, зажиточный, обеспеченный

to (to have) an impact on – (оказывать) влияние на кого-л/что-л

to forge on – медленно и равномерно продвигаться

emerging economies – развивающиеся экономики

disparity – неравенство, несоответствие

to make it (to) – добраться до места, до цели

Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. What was the average life expectancy in 1810? Were there any significant exceptions?

2. What was the reason for the improvement of the situation in European countries?

3. What interrupted this growth?

4. When was the difference between sick&poor and healthy&wealthy countries the widest? Which were the poorest and the healthiest?

5. What was the turning point in the development of the poor countries? When did they start to catch up with the leading ones?

6. What is the current situation? What are our prospects according to the speaker?

7. What can help the countries to get to the healthy&wealthy corner?


Fill in the gaps.

There are huge _____________________ within countries. These bubbles show country __________________, but I can split them. Take China. I can split it into _______________. There goes Shanghai. It has the same wealth and health as ________________ today. There is the poor province Guizhou, it is like __________________. And if I split it further the ____________ parts are like Ghana in Africa.




18.3 To give or not to give


Listen to the text and

a) number the statements in the order you hear them

b) put the names Charles (C) or Diana (D) next to each statement


a They spend the money they get from begging on drugs and alcohol.

b If they are homeless, it's because they want to be.

с We should help people who can't help themselves.

d They could easily get a job if they wanted one.

e Many beggars have mental problems, like depression.

f They get plenty of money off the government.

g People who beg on the streets have a hard life.




2.3 What shall we do with Grandad?


1. Listen to the text and find six factual errors

James' father became ill twelve years ago. He was 75 years old, and living alone at the time. One February James visited to find his lather lying on the kitchen floor. His father had had a stroke, and spent two weeks in hospital to recover. James couldn't look after his father as he was out at work all day. His sister Kate wouldn't look after him. So when he came out he went into a nursing home. James visited his father at weekends, but Kate visited about once a month. Their father died of a heart attack five months later.


2. Listen to Kate’s side of the story. Find three reasons why she didn’t want to look after her father.




Listen to Doris, a fruit and vegetable stall holder in Docklands, talking about the changes she sees around her.

Note down complaints she makes.




Andrew is talking about business people and their image. Note how he describes the difference between the 'traditional' and the 'modern' image of a businessman.

Discuss if you agree with what he says.





LISTENING 7 (6,5 min)


1. Listen to the lecture and explain what are the following categories of crime: felony, misdemeanor, white-collar crime, blue-collar crime.

2. What types of crime are mentioned in the lecture?

3. What methods of solving crime are mentioned?



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