Студопедия — C. Punishments
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C. Punishments

collocation example
carry out an investigation Police arecarrying out an investigation into a major theft in a factory in Woodvale.
appear in court The trial starts today but the witnesses will beappearing in court tomorrow.
go on trial George Arthur Lode, accused of murdering his wife,went on trial today.
reach a verdict The jury are expected to take several days toreach a verdict.
a fair trial It now seems impossible that Harold Graves can receivea fair trial, given the media publicity surrounding his case.
be severely punished That judge believes that all shoplifters shouldbe severely punished.
pay/face a heavy fine People who park on double yellow linesface a heavy fine.
face the death penalty If he is found guilty of murder, he will have toface the death penalty.
act as a deterrent People often support the death penalty because they say itacts as a deterrent.
suffer the consequences Anyone who commits a crime has tosuffer the consequences.
a harsh penalty/sentence Some judges are more likely to giveharsh sentences than others.
a hard legal battle After ahard legal battle, she won compensation for the accident.
win a case You will need a very good lawyer if you are going to have any hope of winning your case.

Task 2. Choose the correct verb from A (Task 1) to fill the gaps in this paragraph. Use each verb once only and put it in the correct form.

In law-abiding societies ordinary citizens are usually happy to (1) _______________ or (2) _______________ the law. But there are also rather different societies where most people feel that it is not such a serious matter to (3) _______________ the law. In such places, people do not seem to (4) _______________ the law and even the most honest of citizens does not expect always to (5) _______________ within it. The rulers of such societies have no difficulty in (6) _______________ or (7) _______________ new laws but the police have considerable problems when it comes to (8) _______________ or (9) _______________ those laws.


Task 3. Match the beginning of each sentence on the left with its ending on the right.

1. The rules apply 2. The rules prohibit 3. The rules allow students 4. The regulations stipulate 5. Most students follow 6. The authorities bent 7. All students must comply a) with the regulations. b) to all students in the college. c) the rules to allow Mary to submit her coursework a little late. d) to book college guestrooms at weekends. e) the use of mobile phones in class. f) that coursework must be handed in on time. g) the rules without too many complaints.


Task 4. Put these events in a crime story in order.

a) A number of witnesses appear in court.

b) Bill Sikes goes on trial.

c) Bill Sikes is found guilty.

d) Bill Sikes is severely punished.

e) Bill Sikes robs a bank.

f) The jury reaches its verdict.

g) The police carry out an investigation.


Task 5. Answer these questions using one of the collocations from С (Task 1) above.

1) What does every lawyer in a trial hope to do?

2) What does every wrongly accused person who appears in court hope to receive?

3) What do the police do after a major crime is committed?

4) What may happen to people in some countries if they are found guilty of a very serious crime like murder or terrorism?

5) How might the death penalty help to prevent serious crime?

6) What does the jury have to do at the end of a trial?

7) What kind of punishments does a hard-hearted judge give?

8) What kind of fine might a judge impose if the offence is quite serious?


Task 6. Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets, so that it keeps the same meaning.

1. Everyone must observe these regulations. (comply)

2. All citizens must obey these rules. (apply)

3. The jury found the accused guilty. (reached)

4. The police are investigating the bank robbery. (investigation)

5. Our company would never break the law. (acts)

6. The rules prohibit eating and drinking in the classrooms. (allow students)




The law in britain

Task 1. Below is a guide to what you can do from the age of 10 to 21 in Britain. Study the information. Then prepare a short report comparing the British and Russian laws applying to people aged from 10 to 21.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1720. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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