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Music in usa; american composers



American Music Unique forms and styles of music have developed in America. Ragtime, blues, jazz, country-western, rock ‘n’ roll, and the musical are all American-born.
Ragtime The black American music tradition has produced and influenced a variety of genres. Ragtime was the first black American music to gain wide popularity. Composer Scott Joplin (1868-1917) helped develop ragtime from simple parlor piano music into a serious genre. Ragtime is most important for its association with the blues, which then inspired jazz, America’s most original music form.
Blues The blues evolved from African folk songs and church music. Sung by soloists or featuring solo instruments, blues music often expresses disappointment or regret.
Jazz Jazz, now recognized as a world-wide art form, originated around the turn of the century among black musicians in the American South. The music was inspired by African culture but evolved directly from spirituals, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is characterized by improvisation and a lively attention to rhythm, something famous jazz musician Duke Ellington (1899-1974) called “swing”. By 1920, jazz had spread from the South, and in the 1930s, it reached its heyday of mass popularity as big band music. Louis Armstrong, (1900-71) a trumpeter and soloist, was one of the first well-known jazz singers. Other early jazz leaders were Duke Ellington, “Dizy” Gillespie and Charlie Parker. Although the improvisational style of early jazz still survives today, jazz has moved on to new frontiers. In the 1960s and 70s, jazz musicians began combining the rhythms of rock ‘n’ roll and electronic instruments with traditional elements of jazz to form a blend of music called “fusion”. Today, jazz is extremely popular in America and abroad. Jazz concerts draw thousands of listeners every year. The influence of jazz is found in many types of American music. The music of George Gershwin (1898-37), one of America’s most popular song writers and composers, was strongly influenced by jazz. The concerto “Rhapsody in Blue” and the opera “Porgy and Bess” were two of his works which incorporated jazz. Dixieland – a kind of jazz originating in New Orleans, Lousiana, in the early 20th century. The rhythms of Dixieland are usually rapid, and it generally includes many improvised sections for individual instruments. Trad (also trad jazz) – a style of jazz originally played in New Orleans about 1920, marked by free expression within a set instrumental structure.
Country-western Music Another popular type of music which came of the American South is country-western. However, its cultural origin and musical sounds are totally different from jazz. The style of country western music has its roots in the folk songs and ballads of the early Scottish and English settlers in the southern colonies. The music developed over a long period with melodies and lyrics reflecting rural life in the Southeast and Southwest. The distinctive sound of country music depends on the guitar, banjo and fiddle. Lyrics generally focus on the sorrows of love or the economic hardships of poor whites. In the 1940s, the appeal of country music extended beyond the rural South, and the music began to attract nationwide attention. Weekly music ratings indicate the continuing popularity of this of music.
The Musical In the 1930s another native American-born art form emerged. The musical was a new form of entertainment which combined acting, music, and ballet. The musical was inspired by the Anglo-Irish musical theatre, the central European operetta, and the American vaudeville minstrel show. Basically entertaining in character, most early screen musicals were lavish and glamorous escapist fantasies. Dreams of success came true for characters who overcame hardships by faith and hard work, with some spectacular singing and dancing along the way. Later musicals, such as Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma” and Sondheim and Bernstein’s “West Side Story”, included serious themes and social criticism. “A Chorus Line”, first performed in 1975, is still one of the most popular musicals today.  
Rock Music Rock music has dominated the popular music scene ever since America was inundated with the new sound in the 1950s. Rock ‘n’ roll developed as a mixture of black blues and white country-western. The music quickly won intense and sustained appeal with young people not only in America, but all over the world. Early rock musicians such as Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan were idolized by millions of teenagers. In the 1970s and 80s, rock ‘n’ roll became heavily commercialized. Hundreds of bands copied the formula of success and went into recording studious to make money rather than innovative music. Some rock musicians, however, have emerged from the studio with unique sounds and messages in their music. Among these artists are guitarist-songwriter Bruce Springsteen and singer Stevie Wonder.
Folk Music A kind of music originating from the ordinary people of a region or nation, and continued by oral tradition. The ballad is a typical form of folk music. Music is also called “folk” when it is made by artists and composers who are inspired by, or imitate, true folk music. Composers like Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie are folk musicians of the second kind.
Gospel Music Intense, joyful music that is associated with Evangelists in the South, especially among blacks. Gospel music had a strong influence on many rock’n’roll singers. Well-known gospel artists include Mahalia Jackson and the Dixie Hummingbirds.
Gregorian Chant The traditional music for Latin texts in the worship of the Roman Catholic Church. Gregorian chant is marked by performance in unison, and by free-flowing rhythms that follow the phrasing of the text. The chants often call for one syllable to be sung across several notes
Pop Music Modern popular music of a simple kind with a strong beat and not usually of lasting interest, liked especially by younger people





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