Студопедия — Article 1
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Article 1

To rely on smth for smth, to irrigate crops, to wipe smth out, large-scale (commercial) fishing, poaching, to pose danger to …, to alter the level of smth, to generate (power), to be in the planning stage, preliminary, to outweigh smth, to deteriorate, to harm smth, to be farfetched, an environmentalist, (public) sentiment, economic justification, to be economically viable, to make a contribution to …

Article 2

To pollute smth with smth, to be high on the agenda, a tax revenue, tropical rain forests, to plunder natural resources, to have no say in smth, a pollutant, to follow through with a threat, allegedly, to intervene, a (staunch) advocate of …


1. How do you personally estimate the impact of commercial fishing and poaching on the future economic situation in regions depending on fishing for livelihood?

2. Why do you think hydropower stations are still built in spite of the fact that the economic benefits they bring are doubtful?

3. How can you comment on the statement: “Beijing already acts as if it owns the Mekong”?

4. Do you think there is a way to influence the policy of certain states (like China) and make them take into consideration the interests of the countries with which they share the resources of big rivers?

5. Do you think deforestation in Indonesia can bring grave ecological consequences?

6. Why is the Indonesian government incapable of prosecuting timber barons who are responsible for large-scale illegal logging?


Vocabulary. Study the following phrasal verbs.


Article 2 says: ‘The government lacks the will to go against the barons.’

Remember other expressions with ‘go’:

To go along with smth/smb, to go back on smth/smb, to go beyond smth (power, rights, etc), to go into a decline, to go off, to go out of one’s way, to go through with smth, to go to extremes, to go with the crowd.

Choose one of the expressions given above to translate the words and word combinations given in italics in the following sentences.

1. Jack is a reliable person. He never (не изменяет) his word.

2. Business in the area (пришел в упадок), as rather few people could afford to buy goods.

3. How did the talks (прошли)? – They (прошли) as planned.

4. We (согласимся) with your suggestion, although it’s not exactly what we wanted.

5. The court (превысил полномочия) in declaring the doctor guilty in spite of an earlier judgment in his favour.

6. She (старалась изо всех сил) to please her guests.

7. I (доведу до конца) my plan whatever the opposition!

8. Why does she always (кидается в крайности)? She’s either gloriously happy or hopelessly sad, never in between.

9. He never thinks for himself, but always goes (как все).

Remember the following expressions with ‘cut’:

To cut back on smth, to cut smth down (to), to cut down on smth, to cut smth off, to cut smth short, to cut smth with smth.

Choose one of the given expressions to translate the words and word combinations given in italics in the following sentences.

1. The factory cannot afford to employ more workers, so it will have to (сократить) production.

2. The doctor advised Jim to (сократить) smoking.

3. The electricity supply (будет отключено) if you don’t pay your bill.

4. We’ll have to (сокращать) our spending.

5. The price was too high but after a little bargaining we (снизили ее до) $160.

6. The Prime Minister (прекратил) his visit when the talks were brought to a deadlock.

7. You can’t (разрезать) this staff (ножом).


Reading and Speaking 2


Read the following article quickly and find answers to the following questions.

1. What data does the article present to stress the significance of people’s access to safe drinking water?

2. What causes the drinking water crisis?

3. What are the average per capita water-use rates in sub-Saharan countries? In Europe?

4. How were environmental issues ranked by environmental experts in a survey presented to the International Council for Science?

5. What basic factors does desertification stem from?

6. What makes the soil of Greece, Italy, etc. saline and sterile?

7. What proposals are made to solve the problem of fresh water supplies?



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 548. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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