Студопедия — A. among B. between
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

A. among B. between

4. There’s only the tree and the rock, captain: I can see nothing ____!

A. among B. between

5. The fort can’t be _______ against an air attack.

A. defended B. protected

6. He raised his arm to _______ his face from the blow.

A. defend B. protect

7. Such a thin coat doesn’t ______ against the cold.

A. defend B. protect

8. These electric wires are _______ by a rubber covering.

A. defended B. protected

9. _______ yourselves! The enemy are coming.

A. defend B. protect

10. If Mr Smith wants to win his case he must be _______ by the best lawyer he can find.

A. defended B. protected

11. My _______ of her character was wrong. She is much more intelligent.

A. calculation B. estimate

12. There was _______ behind her choice of acquaintances; she wanted people useful to her in business.

A. calculation B. estimate

13. Exact _______ of the cost is necessary before spending public money.

A. calculation B. estimate

14. The room is 20 feet long at a rough ________.

A. calculation B. estimate

15. The driver _______ the journey would take at least two hours.

A. calculated B. estimated

16. That was a(n) _______ threat; she meant to annoy you.

A. calculated B. estimated

17. The boy won’t do his work if he isn’t _______ to.

A. forced B. obliged

18. The girl was so persistent in her request that the manager was _______ to say “yes”.

A. forced B. obliged

19. The boy’s behaviour was so bad that the headmaster was ______ to expel him.

A. forced B. obliged

20. The evidence was so complete that the criminal was _______ to admit everything.

A. forced B. obliged

21. The police searched him but he was ______.

A. clean B. pure

22. It was a sunny day with a cloudless sky of _______ blue.

A. clean B. pure

23. The voices of young boys singing in church were high and _______.

A. clean B. pure

24. These spoons are made of _______ silver.

A. clean B. pure

25. These silver spoons aren’t _______ enough. Wash them again.

A. clean B. pure

26. Someone who behaves as foolishly as you has no right to _______ how others should behave.

A. administer B. prescribe

27. This drug must be _______ very carefully.

A. administered B. prescribed

28. When you _______ a medicine to a child you should be very careful about dosage.

A. administer B. prescribe

29. Stop ________ and eat your dinner!

A. complaining B. lamenting

30. When the old lady started ________ over her misfortunes, we had to leave. We couldn’t bear it.

A. complaining B. lamenting

31. Our neighbours are very noisy. We _______ about it to the landlord, but there was nothing he could do.

A. complained B. lamented

32. When do we meet? – At the _______ time.

A. common B. usual

33. These difficulties are ________ among people of his age.

A. common B. usual

34. What a wonderful bird! – Oh, it’s just a swallow. They are quite _______ here.

A. common B. usual

35. Do they always have milk with meals? – No, wine is more _______.

A. common B. usual


Unit 9

Reading and Speaking: Religion

Focus on Grammar:


Grammar Training


1. Study Grammar Reference p. … and analyze the following examples. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Governments will never be able to solve the problem of war and peace.

2. The problem of war and peace governments will never be able to solve.

3. The criminals left a trail, though they were cautious.

4. Cautious though they were, the criminals left a trail.

5. Raines gave the best assignments to his cronies.

6. The person who gave the best assignments to his cronies was Raines.

7. The US State Secretary gave Al Jazeera an exclusive interview in Cairo to improve the image of the USA.

8. The place where the US State Secretary gave Al Jazeera and exclusive interview was Cairo.

9. The reason why the US State Secretary gave Al Jazeera an exclusive interview was to improve the image of the USA.

10. What the US State Secretary did was to give Al Jazeera an exclusive interview.

11. CNN was the primary source for news during the 1991 Gulf war.

12. It was CNN that was the primary source for news during the 1991 Gulf war.

13. It was during the 1991 Gulf war that CNN was the primary source for news.

14. The authorities can’t tolerate a breakdown in the rule of law under any circumstances.

15. Under no circumstances can the authorities tolerate a breakdown in the rule of law.

16. They knew little about the threat.

17. Little did they know about the threat.

18. The pilot won’t go into restricted airspace ever again.

19. Never again will the pilot go into restricted airspace.

20. They didn’t claim responsibility for this until much later.

21. Not until much later did they claim responsibility for this.

22. As soon as the president arrived reporters rushed to interview him.

23. No sooner had the president arrived than reporters rushed to interview him.

24. The official not only leaked the news to the press; but he also gave them confidential information.

25. Not only did the official leak the news to the press, but he gave them confidential information.

26. The president didn’t arrive at the appointed time, and he didn’t give any information to his press-secretary.

27. The president didn’t arrive at the appointed time, nor did he give any information to his press-secretary.

28. We have little information about this affair, and we don’t want to find out new facts.

29. We have little information about this affair, nor do we want to find out new facts.


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