Студопедия — Choose the correct form of the words given in italics.
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Choose the correct form of the words given in italics.


1. Your idea sounds nice/nicely, mostly because it was nice/nicely put.

2. I’m in a hurry. Speak short/shortly.

3. The criminal was arrested short/shortly after the investigation started.

4. It seems the boys have just had a dead/deadly quarrel. – You are dead/deadly right. It did happen.

5. I was dead/deadly tired and I could hard/hardly move.

6. She tried hard/hardly not to cry, but she could hard/hardly control herself.

7. If you are going to apply for this job, you should speak direct/directly to the personnel manager.

8. Does this train go to Glasgow direct/directly?

9. Don’t worry! He got you right/rightly. Your arguments were right/rightly chosen.

10. She was standing by the window deep/deeply in thought. She was deep/deeply hurt by his words, and couldn’t take it easy/easily.

11. Still waters run deep/deeply.

12. You must dive deep/deeply to reach the bottom. The lake is quite deep/deeply.

13. You are free/freely to choose whatever you like in this shop and you’ll get it free/freely.

14. They talked free/freely for hours without being afraid of being overheard.

15. You must be real/really sorry that you’ve lost that ring. – Not at all. Easy/easily come, easy/easily go.

16. There’s no time to lose. You must be quick/quickly. – Don’t worry. I’ll do everything as quick/quickly as possible.

17. The girl was pretty/prettily dressed. – Yes, and the dress was pretty/prettily expensive.

18. The boy climbed so high/highly that he had difficulty getting down.

19. This writer is very popular, and his works are wide/widely known.

20. Everyone thinks that John is arrogant. – It’s because he holds his head high/highly when he walks but he’s real/really rather shy.

21. The works of this chemist are high/highly valued in the scientific world.

22. She opened the door wide/widely for me to carry in the suitcases.

23. The boy remembered his mother vague/vaguely, only her face stood out clear/clearly in his memory.

24. Do you understand the problem? – It seems clear/clearly.

25. This can be done quite simple/simply. – It only sounds simple/simply.



Susan Walker knocked at the door (1) light/lightly and entered the room. James was sitting (2) silent/silently at the dinner table. He looked (3) moody/moodily. Susan was (4) dead/deadly certain he was going to say something (5) unpleasant/unpleasantly. It was (6) good/well that she knew him so (7) good/well. When he seemed so (8) calm/calmly and quiet/quietly it meant that he felt (9) miserable/ miserably. They have been living (10) happy/happily for 3 years, but something has gone (11) wrong/wrongly (12) late/lately.

S: Do you feel (13) low/lowly, James?

J: It is (14) wrong/wrongly put, my love. I feel (15) dead/deadly tired and (16) awful/awfully upset. I feel (17) terrible/terribly.

S: I’m (18) terrible/terribly sorry. But why? I can (19) hard/hardly understand. What’s going on?

J: Think (20) hard/hardly. I’ll (21) high/highly appreciate that.

S: Well, something must be wrong. Did I get you (22) right/rightly?

J: Can I speak to you (23) free/freely and (24) direct/directly?

S: Of course.

J: That suits me (25) fine/finely. Will you answer (26) honest/honestly?

S: Well, I’m (27) most/mostly honest, but not all the time, I must admit. Have I done something (28) wrong/wrongly?

J: See what I’ve found (29) right/rightly in the middle of your bedroom.

(Her eyes opened (30) wide/widely as she saw the object in his hand, and then she began to laugh (31) happy/happily.)

J: I’m (32) deep/deeply hurt by your reaction. Remember that our family is (33) high/highly respectable.

S: Well, I think (34) high/highly of you, James, but …

(He cut her (35) short/shortly.)

J: I’ll be (36) most/mostly grateful to you if you don’t interrupt! Examine it (37) close/closely and think (38) hard/hardly. Is it your lover’s gift? Have you been cheating on me?

S: You (39) right/rightly assumed that it is a gift, but you (40) wrong/wrongly suspect that I’ve been cheating on you. It is my grandmother’s ring, and I thought I had lost it. I was (41) terrible/terribly upset at first, but then I thought: (42) “ Easy/easily come, (43) easy/easily go.” But jealousy is a (44) dead/deadly poison, James, and I can’t stand it any more. I’m leaving you (45) right/rightly now.

(His mouth opened (46) wide/widely with surprise.)

J: Take it (47) easy/easily, Susan! It doesn’t look (48) serious/seriously.

S: I’m talking to you quite (49) serious/seriously, and I’ll be seeing my lawyer (50) short/shortly about the divorce.


Family Problems


Reading and Speaking 1

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