Студопедия — Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
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Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.


£20 ‘Profit’ for Muggers Who Killed Woman

The woman who (1) _______________ (to run over and kill) by muggers outside Euston station in London (2) _______________ (to have) just £20 cash in her handbag which she (3) _______________ (to try) to retrieve, it emerged yesterday.

Police named the dead woman as Mrs Liz Sherlock, 42, a costume designer from Cheswick in West London.

Mrs Sherlock (4) _______________ (to work) for 15 years as a freelance designer for television. She just (5) _______________ (to finish) work on her first feature film, her husband, Peter, said yesterday.

Mrs Sherlock (6) _______________ (to kill) on Monday outside the station. She (7) _______________ (to chase) a man who (8) _______________ (to snatch) her bag, but (9) _______________ (to sweep) onto the bonnet of the car to which she (10) _______________ (to cling) and (11) _______________ (to run over). She (12) _______________ (to die) at the Royal London hospital of multiple injuries.

Mr Sherlock, 48, a computer programmer, (13) _______________ (to comfort) by relatives at the couple’s home yesterday. He (14) _______________ (to issue) a statement paying tribute to his wife describing her as a “5ft 2in bundle of energy.”

“What Liz did yesterday (15) _______________ (to surprise) none of her friends and family,” he said. “Naturally I (16) _______________ (to shock) deeply by the events of yesterday. Words cannot express how I (17) _______________ (to feel) at the moment.”

Detective Inspector Martin Lee, from the Metropolitan police serious crime group, said the woman’s handbag (18) ______________ (to contain) around £20 cash, credit cards and “minor personal effects.” The bag (19) _______________ (not to recover).

He said details of the incident (20) _______________ (to remain) “sketchy”, and (21) _______________ (to appeal) for witnesses. In particular, it was still unclear whether the woman (22) _______________ (to leap) on to the bonnet of the car to try to stop it, or whether the thieves deliberately (23) _______________ (to drive) into her.

DI Lee said officers (24) _______________ (to examine) closed-circuit video evidence from the station, which he expected “to assist greatly” in identifying the muggers.

A postmortem examination (25) _______________ (to carry out) yesterday at St. Pancras mortuary.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Union Urges End to Expulsion Panels

Union members yesterday gave a standing ovation to a History teacher from the secondary school where an allegedly disruptive 16-year-old pupil (1) _______________ (to try) to force his teacher to give him lessons.

Dave Carver, from Bonus Pastor school, (2) _______________ (to overcome) by emotion when he (3) _______________ (to tell) at the annual conference of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union how his colleagues (4) _______________ “(to put) their jobs on the line” by refusing to teach the boy. He said the boy was so disruptive he (5) _______________ (to consider) unteachable.

The union last week (6) _______________ (to win) a case brought by the boy’s mother in the high court. He (7) _______________ (to expel) at the end of the last academic year, and subsequently (8) _______________ (to reinstate) by governors against the wishes of the head teacher. NASU members (9) _______________ (to refuse) to teach him.

The boy, due to take GCSEs this spring, since (10) _____________ (to teach) by supply teachers at an estimated cost of £600 a week. In a landmark ruling, the judge (11) _______________ (to refuse) to order the pupil back into the mainstream classes.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Choose the correct word given in italics.

1. The thief got clean/cleanly away and was never seen again.

2. He pulled the cork out of the bottle clean/cleanly.

3. Steer clear/clearly of that man. He’ll do you no good.

4. If you look at the situation clear/clearly, you’ll see that I’m right.

5. He beat me easy/easily. He was much too good.

6. Take it easy/easily. You push yourself too hard.

7. He free/freely admits he has never done a day’s work in his life.

8. A lot of teenagers spend their time trying to break free/freely from their parents.

9. I can throw the ball high/highly into the sky.

10. I’ve heard a lot about you from Paul. He speaks very high/highly of you.

11. I’ve spent a lot of time abroad, most/mostly in the USA.

12. Which part of the States do you like most/mostly?

13. Don’t move! Stay right/rightly there!

14. He was sacked for incompetence, and right/rightly so.

15. The houses were tight/tightly packed, with hard/hardly a space between them.

16. Hold tight/tightly! We are going to move soon.

17. She left the door wide/widely open.

18. My views on the subject are wide/widely known.

19. He was wrong/wrongly accused of treason. He was in fact a most loyal citizen.

20. Oh dear! Did I do something wrong/wrongly?

21. I hard/hardly think it’s the proper time to raise the subject.

22. Think hard/hardly and you’ll see the point.


Grammar in Speech

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