Студопедия — Age-old Addition to the American Restaurant Scene
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Age-old Addition to the American Restaurant Scene

The American diner is a unique American institution that has both cultural and historical significance. The diner became a part of the American landscape more than a century ago, and since then has affected the culture in various ways. It influenced almost every aspect of American life including cooking, dining out, popular culture, design, fashion and more.


Walter Scott is considered to have inspired the birth of this one of America's most recognized icons. He was a part- time pressman at the Providence Journal newspaper in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1872, Scott began to sell prepared food from a converted horse-drawn freight wagon outside the newspaper's building.


An authentic diner preserves this type of structure. It is usually built in a factory and then transported to its permanent site. A classical diner is a small, family-owned and operated establishment. It serves about 50 people at one time. An essential element is a long counter with vintage stools. A diner may have counter space for 25 people. There are usually booths with tables that line the walls. Such an arrangement makes the diner more than just a place to eat: a diner is also a place for conversation, a community center in some ways. A diner is one of the best places to "meet the locals." No wonder that Bill Clinton used classic diners as a campaign rally site during his Presidential election.


Many diners are open 24 hours and are always alive with activity. They offer free delivery from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, serve breakfast specials from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., early-bird specials 10% off the regular price from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., and regular dinners from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.


The food served in a diner is far from being sophisticated, but it is a simple wholesome good-quality meal, prepared by a skillful cook. Food is cooked to order and the service is fast and efficient. The menu offers a variety of options for all three meals. Traditionally the menu includes the following sections: Eggs and Omelettes; Breakfast; Dinners; Side Orders; Burgers; Sandwiches; Desserts; Beverages. Portions are generous and coffee refills are free.


Prices for all meals are reasonable: from $9 to $19.95 for a complete dinner.


The diner tradition has continued into the 21st century. Massachusetts and New Jersey are two of diner-rich states. Traveling around the U.S.A. one may see diners built at different periods of time. Some of them are preserved and appreciated as historical treasures; others have been destroyed, several diners have been moved to other states and even overseas


It’s a noble mission to save the vintage diners that are in danger of extinction. To celebrate and preserve the cultural and historical importance of diners and share it nationally and internationally the American Diner Museum (ADM) was founded in 1996.


Working in groups of three answer the questions.

ü How long is the history of the American diner?

ü Who do we owe to credit for it?

ü What does a typical diner look like?

ü What food is served there?

ü What makes this eating establishment unique?

ü What is the mission of the ADM?

ü Why is this not a very sophisticated eating place attractive for customers?

ü Can you find an example of an authentic eatery in your culture?


Study the menu from the Americana Diner. Make an order.

Before you read the text, make sure you understand the following terms:

copy (v) damage gain (e.g. weight or pounds)
go on a diet obesity fitness
irresponsible nutrition organ
overweight pedometer soft drink


Take the above vocabulary phrases and put them into the blanks below. You may need to change the form of the term.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 302. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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