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1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and transcribe them:


1. laptop (n.)

2. weigh (v.)

3. sub-notebook (n.)

4. palmtop (n.)

5. efficient (adj.)

6. ordinary(adj.)

7. obviously (adv.)

8. utilize (v.)

9. maximum (adj.)

10. provision (n.)

11. accessories (n.)

12. rechargeable (adj.)

13. surprise (n.)


2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations


1. выполнять почти все задачи

2. внутренние настройки

3. те же самые механизмы

4. внутренние части

5. максимальная эффективность

6. внешние устройства ввода

7. обычный компьютер

8. размер экрана

9. четкие изображения

10. настольные компьютеры

11. устройства ввода и вывода

12. стыковочный блок (док)

13. регулярная замена батареек

14. более новые версии


3. Find sentences from the text which correspond the following patterns and translate them.


Pattern 1: Notebook computers are less powerful than ordinary ones.

Ноутбуки менее мощные, чем обычные компьютеры.

Pattern 2: Less powerful computers are not efficient enough.

Менее мощные компьютеры не достаточно эффективны.

Pattern 3: Being less powerful small computers are still very popular.

Будучи менее мощными, маленькие компьютеры все же очень


Pattern 4: Notebook computers are as popular as the ordinary ones.

Ноутбуки такие же популярные, как и обычные компьютеры.

Pattern 5: Notebooks are not as powerful as ordinary computers.

Ноутбуки те такие мощные, как обычные компьютеры.


4. Find in the text the sentence which suits the following pattern. Translate it.


Pattern: There is hardly any difference in the performance between modern

notebooks and ordinary computers.

Едва ли есть какое-либо различие в производительности между

современными нойтбуками и обычными компьютерами.


5. Read and translate the text.








A computer system is a combination of five elements: hardware, software, people, procedures, data /information. Hardware can be defined as the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical devices composing a computer system. Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn't know what to do. People, however, are the most important component of the computer system: they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present. The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers accept information in the form of instructions called a program and characters called data to perform mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results. The data are raw material while information is organized, processed, refined and useful for decision-making. Computers are used to convert data into information. They are also used to store information.



1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations. Transcribe them.


1. hardware (n.)

2. software (n.)

3. procedure (n.)

4. datum (pl. data) (n.)

5. mechanical (adj.)

6. magnetic (adj.)

7. electronic (adj.)

8. device (n.)

9. term (n.)

10. perform (v.)

11. task (n.)

12. create (v.)

13. basic (adj.)

14. character (n.)

15. mathematical (adj.)

16. raw (adj.)

17. process (v.) (n.)

18. useful (adj.)

19. convert (v.)

20. use (v.) (n.)

21. store (v.)


2. Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations


1. компьютерная система

2. выполнять задачу

3. основная работа компьютера

4. обработка информации

5. принимать информацию

6. выполнять математические и логические операции (действия)

7. сырой материал

8. преобразовывать данные в информацию


3. Fill in the table. Translate and transcribe the words.


Verb Noun


4. Read and translate the text.





A personal computer is a small computer based on a micro­processor; it is a microcomputer. Not all microcomputers, however, are personal computers. A microcomputer can be dedicated to a single task such as controlling a machine tool or metering the injection of fuel into an automobile engine; it can be a word processor, a video game or a "pocket comput­er". That is not quite a personal computer. A personal computer is some­thing different. It is a stand-alone computer that puts a wide array of capabilities at the disposal of an individual.

The personal-computer market can be divided into four segments: business, home, science and education. The busi­ness segment is becoming the largest one. The home-computer segment utilizes most of the units for recreation (primarily for playing video games) but they also serve as powerful educational aids for children, as word processors, electronic mes­sage centers and personal-finance tools. A broad range of new applications will be made possible by software now under development. Computers intended for scientific and other technical applications tend to be more powerful than other personal computers. The education segment is potentially very large. Computer-assisted instruction involves the student in a lively interaction with subject matter in almost any field of study and allows the individual to proceed at his own pace.

The ability to work with a computer is coming to be considered a necessary basic skill and even some programming ability may soon be required in many occupations; clearly the place to acquire such skills is in elementary and secondary school.


1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and transcribe them:


1. industry (n.)

2. miniature (adj.)

3. circuit (n.)

4. silicon (n.)

5. micro­processor (n.)

6. microcomputer (n.)

7. control (v.)

8. machine (n.)

9. fuel (n.)

10. automobile (n.)

11. engine (n.)

12. capability (n.)

13. segment (n)

14. utilize (v.)

15. message (n.)

16. finance (n.)

17. interaction (n.)


2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations


1. персональный компьютер

2. основанный на микропроцессоре

3. двигатель автомобиля

4. видеоигра

5. в распоряжении

6. рынок персональных компьютеров

7. для отдыха

8. обучающие средства

9. новые приложения (применения)

10. разрабатываемое программное обеспечение

11. вовлекать студента

12. область изучения

13. основное умение

14. способность программирования

15. начальная школа

16. средняя школа


3. Divide the verbs into three groups according to the reading of the ending –ed: [t], [d], [id]


based, dedicated, controlled, divided, utilized, served, intended, involved, allowed, proceeded, worked, considered, required, acquired.


4. Read and translate the text.



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