Студопедия — Ex. 18. Define the types of the clauses and translate the sentences.
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Ex. 18. Define the types of the clauses and translate the sentences.

1. A "constitution" is a document which predetermines the most important laws of the country. 2. The investigator is to be very attentive when he is at the crime scene. 3. The applicant takes entrance examinations before he is a student of a college. 4. The Magna Carta established the principle in which the power of the monarch or government is limited. 5. Citizens see the officer as a protector of their safety and property because the officer is always ready to be helpful for the public. 6. The cadets analyse the operation that is of interest for their future work. 7. It is necessary to know much about people’s psychology if we are to understand the behaviour of the public. 8. The state they establish becomes a subject of international law. 9. We wanted to know how many cases were tried by a people’s judge monthly. 10. If the judgement and decision have not been appealed against within a statutory period, they come into force.


Ex. 19. Insert the necessary conjunctions given below. Translate the sentences.


1. My friend... sister works at our school is a judge. 2. I know... he entered the Law University last year. 3.... our teacher knows English well she reads a lot of English books. 4. Yesterday I did not visit my friend in the hospital... I had no free time. 5.... you have no time to do this work now, do it at home. 6. The electors are entitled to know about the activity of the judge... they elected. 7.... the rules of conduct have become formally expressed in legislative enactments or in judicial decisions, the "Law" is made. 8. The question is … he will win this case or not. 9. … is the best student in the group will be shown at the exams.

10. A friend of mine asked me … I knew that foreign scientist.



1. that, 2. as, 3. whose, 4. when, 5. because, 6. if, 7. whom, 8. who,

9. whether.


The Functions of the word "it";

(функции слова "it")


Функция   Пример Перевод
1. Подлежащее Where is the textbook? – Itis on the table. It means that the judge uses the process of analogy. Где учебник? – Онна столе. Это означает, что судья применяет процесс по аналогии.
2. Дополнение This is a very serious case and we must discuss itimmediately. Это очень серьезное дело и мы должны немедленно обсудить его.
3. Формальное подлежащее It is known that he is a good lawyer.     Известно, что он хороший юрист.
a) в безличных предложениях
б) в эмфатической конструкции Itis the High Court that tries the majority of all civil cases. Именно Высокий Суд рассматривает большинство всех гражданских дел.


Ex. 20. Define the function of the word "it" and translate the sentences.


1. This is a district court and it consists of 2 or 5 judges. 2. It was at 9:30 when the police came. 3. It is clear he doesn’t know this law. 4. It is an important document to correct the resolution. 5. It is not an easy task to solve this problem. 6. This is the higher court and it also hears appeals from lower courts. 7. This problem is very important and we must solve it collectively. 8. It is really necessary to know the basic laws of one’s country. 9. It applies whenever one person has a right to sue another person. 10. It is known that English law has influenced the law of former British colonies.


The Functions of the word "that / those";

(функции слова "that / those")


Функция   Пример Перевод
1. Указательное местоимение Give me that textbook. Дайте мне тотучебник.
2. Относительное местоимение (вводит придаточное определительное предложение) The law, thatthe President signed yesterday, is very important. Закон, который, подписал вчера президент, очень важен.
3. Coюз придаточного предложения (вводит придаточное дополнительное предложение) We know thatthese courts try the majority of all criminal cases. Мы знаем, что эти суды рассматривают большинство всех уголовных дел.
4. Слово-заместитель The stucture of England courts doesn’t look like thatof our country. Структура судов Англии не похожа на структуру судов нашей страны.


Ex. 21. Define the function of the word "that" and translate the

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