Студопедия — Task 3. Fill in the blanks.
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Task 3. Fill in the blanks.

1. The function of the Home Secretary in England and Wales and of the Secretary of the State for Scotland in Scotland is involved in … of the police force. 2. All regular police forces have a … and a …. 3. The uniform department deals with the prevention of … and the protection of life and …. 4. The criminal investigation department is responsible for … and bringing … to justice. 5. In Britain policemen do not normally carry … in their day-to-day work. 6. All members of the police must have a certain level of … and undergo a period of…. 7. Great Britain is … into 52 areas, so there are … in the country. 8. The other … people in Britain are … and they are responsible for controlling … like speeding, careless … and drunken driving. 9. The police work ranges from assisting at accidents, … public order and dealing with lost... to apprehending criminals. 10. … in rural districts have the same basic … as their colleagues in towns and cities.


Task 4. Enlarge on the following.


1. All regular police forces have different departments.

2. In Britain policemen can carry weapons in some situations.

3. Police ranks in Great Britain are various.

4. The country is divided into 52 areas.

5. Traffic wardens have limited functions.

6. The responsibilities of the police are varied.


Task 5. Ask and answer the questions to get more information on the police work in Great Britain.


Model: 1. What is the main (basic) function (mission, duty, responsibility, job, task) of the Home Secretary in England and Wales and of the Secretary of the State for Scotland in Scotland? – The main function of these Ministers is to administrate and operate the police force.


1. a uniform department;

2. a criminal investigation department;

3. additional departments and branches;

4. the policemen routinely carrying weapons;

5. special constables;

6. traffic wardens;

7. the police in Britain;

8. constables in rural districts.


Task 6. Match the two columns and give your opinion to the sentences made up using the following expressions.


It is generally known that …; As you can see …; That`s why …; Besides …; As far as I know …; As far as I remember …; To my mind ….

1. The British police forces have … 2. The uniform department deals with … 3. The criminal investigation department is responsible for … 4. Members of CIDs are detectives, and they … 5. In Britain policemen carry firearms only when … 6. All policemen must have a certain level of academic qualifications and … 7. The country is divided into 52 areas, so … 8. Each police force has volunteer special constables who … 9. The other uniformed people are traffic wardens and they are … 10. Police work ranges from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property... 11. Constables in rural districts have the same basic duties as their colleagues in towns and cities, although … 1... they guard politicians and diplomats, patrol airports, etc. 2... to crime prevention, criminal investigation and arresting offenders. 3 … different departments. 4... undergo a period of intensive training. 5... their work is of a different kind. 6... the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property. 7 … there is a separate police force for each. 8... do not wear uniforms. 9 … the detection of crime and bringing offenders to justice. 10... perform duties in their spare time, without pay. 11... responsible for controlling offences like speeding, careless driving and drunken driving.  


Task 7. Make the table complete and speak on the topic.


Routine Police Work in the UK


department/ branch members duties
uniform departments policemen/police officers   … …   carry out specified duties concerned with traffic and parking
… CID men
policemen deal with special aspects of police work
specialist units help in terrorist incidents, armed robberies, etc.
civilian support staff civilians including special constables

Ex. 35.* Compare Police Work described in Text A with that of in our country. How are they alike? How are they different?


Ex. 36.*! It is interesting to know. Translate the oath into Russian.


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