Студопедия — Exercise 7.
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Exercise 7.

I. Read the sentences with the construction would + Infinitive and express the same in Russian.

Model: They would often fall out. Они, бывало, часто ссорились.

1. The manager would often find fault with his subordinates. 2. He would shout at his employees. 3. Some decades ago many managers would use autocratic methods of leadership. 4. Mrs. Brown would speak to customers politely. 5. The director would call a meeting on Monday morning. 6. The secretary would have much work to do. 7. His colleagues would not support him. 8. Ben would criticize his boss for his authoritarian attitude. 9. Jane would come to work in time. 10. Mr. Jennings would take important decisions after asking his assistants' advice. 11. The director would consult with experts about important problems. 12. The manager would telephone customers to make sure that they were satisfied.

II. Express the following in English. Use the construction would + Infinitive or used to + Infinitive.

1. Он когда-то часто ездил в командировки (to go on business), а теперь не ездит. 2. Анна когда-то носила красивую и модную одежду. 3. Том, бывало, часто обедал в этом ресторане. 4. Начальник обычно требовал дополнительной информации. 5. Мы обычно много работали. 6. Джон обычно оставлял для нас сообщение. 7. Он, обычно, всегда объяснял нам задание. 8. Когда-то мы приглашали много гостей. 9. Директор, бывало, принимал много посетителей каждый день. 10. Мы когда-то часто писали друг другу, а сейчас нет.


Exercise 8. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Mr. Murphy said that he ___ (had Xeroxed / had been Xeroxed) the documents. 2. Mark ___ (had been sent / had sent) a message to the wrong e-mail address. He had to correct his mistake. 3. The director asked the secretary if the fax ___ (had received / had been received). 4. By that time they ___ (had confirmed / had been confirmed) their order for the equipment. 5. By the time the delegation arrived, the secretary ___ (had reserved / had been reserved) rooms in the hotel for them. 6. Richard ___ (worked / had worked) in the factory for ten years before he began working in a bank. 7. When the manager was sent the catalogues, he ___ (had been given / had given) all the necessary information about the rival company. 8. I wanted to see George, but it was late. He ___ (had gone / went) home already. 9. When I received your invitation, I ___ (had invited / had been invited) to Helen's party. 10. I bought a cellular phone. I ___ (had never had / never had) one before.


Exercise 9. Putthe verbs in brackets in the correct forms.

1. It was 6.10 p.m. Most of the employees ___ /to leave/. 2. Mr. Stock ______ /to retire/ in 1990. Do you know where he____ /to live/ now? 3. Jane ___ /to be late/ for work yesterday. She ___ /to be nervous/. She never __ /to be late/ before. 4. I knew that he never ___ /to take/ a management course. 5. He asked me if I ______ /to use/ a notebook computer before. 6. I ______ /to speak/ on the telephone when the doorbell ______/to ring/. 7. I'm not hungry. I ___ /to have/ dinner. 8. The secretary told me that the director _____ /to be/ out. She ___ /to ask/ if I ____ /to give/ a message. 9. Bill Gates ______ /to be/ the wealthiest people in the USA. 10. I ___ /to give/ a lift. 11. How much rent ______ you usually /pay/? 12. He ___ /not to like/ by his subordinates.


Exercise 10. Read the following sentences with the construction it / smth / takes (smb) time / etc. to do smth and express the same in Russian.

Model: Management takes time, passion and skill. Управление требует времени, энтузиазма и умения.

1. How long did it take you to translate this article? - Two days. 2. How long does it take by plane from Moscow to Rostov? - It takes an hour. 3. It took the experts two weeks to study the documents. 4. How long does it take by train from Rostov to Shakhty? - It takes two hours and a half by train from Rostov to Shakhty. 5. Did it take him long to find a job in London? - It took him a month. 6. It doesn't take long to make tea. 7. It took them a year to collect additional data. 8. How long will it take you to repair the car? - Two or three days. 9. The voyage took a lot of money. 10. The furniture will take much room.


Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Ask your partner how long it usually takes him/her to do different things. Change roles. Use the model and list of word combinations below.

Model. A: How long does it take you to get to the institute?

B: It usually takes me half an hour by bus.

To do your homework, to prepare for exams, to write a term paper, to clean the flat, to cook breakfast, to dress for a party, to do shopping.


Exercise 12. What are bad leaders like? Read the text and compare your opinion with the characteristics given by a famous expert in management.

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