Студопедия — Business Promotes Peace and Progress
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Business Promotes Peace and Progress

Business contributes to the development of nations and civilization, because it relates to production, buying and selling goods and services which are in demand in society. Starting factories creates new jobs and gives people an opportunity to support their families. Entertainment business helps people to enjoy themselves. At present, most company officials recognize the need for firms to participate in the affairs of the communities in which they are located and in the social life of the country. But, unfortunately, many companies still need to be more socially responsible.

Socially responsible business not only promotes economic growth of a country, it also encourages peace, development of science and culture in a society, participates in charitable activities. Traditionally, rich people have always donated money to schools, hospitals, libraries, museums and charities. They have helped the poor, the sick, the disabled in their country and in the Third World.

Different nations can supply classic examples of such noble activities.

Alfred Nobel was a famous Swedish engineer and chemist who lived from 1833 to 1896. He invented dynamite. Nobel had factories producing explosives and became very wealthy.

When the scientist died, his money was used to establish the Nobel prizes. In his will he left it to the Swedish Academy of Sciences. He wanted his money to be given to remarkable people for achievements in physics, chemistry, economics, literature and peace. People from different countries can become Nobel laureates. The Nobel prizes are awarded in Sweden. It is a great honour to receive a prize, and the winners get a lot of money.

Pavel Tretyakov (1832-1898) and his brother Sergei were rich Russian merchants. They had some factories. The brothers were fond of painting. Pavel bought old Russian icons and pictures by Levitan, Serov, Repin, Surikov, Nesterov and other famous artists. He wanted all people to see the magnificent works of art he had collected. In 1890 he founded a national picture gallery. At present the Tretyakov Gallery is a treasure-house of Russian art, it is visited by many people.

William Armstrong was a famous British engineer, investor and industrialist who lived in the 19th century. He designed a hydraulic engine and many new machines. His company built cranes, guns, warships for Britain and Japan. Armstrong was also a philanthropist and donated a lot of money to charity. He gave money to build a natural history museum and a hospital in Newcastle.

Henry Tate was a wealthy English sugar manufacturer and art collector. In 1897 he founded an art gallery, which was named after him. The Tate Gallery is situated in south central London. It mostly includes pictures and sculptures of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Tate Gallery contains a large collection of paintings by J.M. Turner.

John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937) was the head of the US dynasty of oil magnates and financiers. In 1870, he started the Standard Oil Company. When he retired, he was the richest man in the world. John D. Rockefeller was a philanthropist. In 1892, he donated part of his money to start the University of Chicago. In 1901, he founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now it is called Rockefeller University), and the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913. His son, John D. Rockefeller II (1874-1960) built the Rockefeller Centre, which comprises offices, shops, concert halls, and other places of entertainment. The Rockefeller Centre is located in New York City, between 48th and 51st Streets. Now it includes 19 skyscrapers. John D.Rockefeller II gave the United Nations the land for its headquarters.

The richer and more powerful is a businessman, the more he can do for his country and people. Wealthy people can also solve global political, economic, cultural and ecological problems.


Exercise 9. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Способствует миру и прогрессу; создает новые рабочие места; содержать семьи; изобрел динамит; в своем завещании; достижения в области физики, химии, экономики и в борьбе за мир; произведения искусства; сокровищница русского искусства; музей естествознания; была названа его именем; отошел от дел; штаб-квартира; решать глобальные политические, экономические и экологические проблемы.


Exercise 10. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What can business do for the development of countries?

2. What is charitable activity?

3. Who was Alfred Nobel? What did he do for the humanity?

4. Who was Pavel Tretyakov? What was his gift to his country and people?

5. How did William Armstrong help people in Newcastle?

6. What is Henry Tate known for?

7. What did the Rockefellers do for their nation?


Exercise 11. Read the article to get some more information about J.D. Rockefeller II. What made the millionaire take up philanthropy?


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