Студопедия — Degrees of Comparison.
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Degrees of Comparison.

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The weather got … every day.

A) badder B) worse C) worst


2. My little daughter is … than your son is.

A) less noisy B) least noisy C) less noisier


3. How much … are you than your brother?

A) oldest B) older C) elder


4. Which is …: April or May?

A) colder B) more colder C) more cold


5. What is the … film you saw?

A) later B) latest C) last


6. Jack is … boy in their family.

A) the most cleverest B) very clever C) the cleverest


7. Your handwriting is now … than it was last year.

A) more better B) better C) a better


8. Which is … autumn or summer?

A) warmer B) the warmest C) a warmer


9. It is … difficult exercise of the lesson.

A) a more B) the most C) very much


10. The mother is … beautiful than the daughter.

A) more much B) much more C) most


11. She is the … girl in our group.

A) more beautiful B) most beautiful C) as beautiful as


12. Clair dances … than Sue.

A) better B) well C) best


13. The bigger the car, the … it is.

A) fast B) fastest C) faster


14. He’s … person I’ve ever met.

A) the friendlier B) friendly C) the friendliest


15. My bag is … hers.

A) as heavy as B) heavier C) the heaviest



Indefinite Pronouns

1. There are not … modern conveniences in the house.

A) some B) any C) no


2. They had … interesting news yesterday.

A) any B) nothing C) some


3. Do you have … questions?

A) some B) any C) no


4. He has … problems in his work.

A) no B) any C) something


5. Is there … bread on the plate?

A) some B) any C) no


6. … rang you up.

A) nobody B) anybody C) anything


7. There are not … plants in our town.

A) some B) any C) no


8. You can get this book ….

A) anywhere B) everywhere C) anything


9. Is there … on the table?

A) anything B) something C) everything


10. He saw ….

A) anybody B) anything C) nobody


11. There is … on the table.

A) anything B) anybody C) nothing


12. Do you speak … foreign language?

A) some B) any C) no


13. … knows him.

A) everybody B) everything C) anything


14. Do you hear …?

A) everything B) something C) anything


15. He did not tell me ….

A) nothing B) anything C) something


16. There are … pictures on the wall.

A) some B) any C) nothing


17. She rang … up.

A) anybody B) nobody C) anything


18. Olga did not meet … at the station.

A) anybody B) somebody C) nobody


19. … has happened he can’t remember the details of it.

A) something B) anybody C) anything


20. Give him … interesting to read.

A) anybody B) anything C) something


Modal Verbs I

1. They … understand your speech.

A) must B) had C) is able


2. He … to come here tomorrow.

A) will be allowed B) can C) could


3. My friend … to ring you up in the office yesterday.

A) could B) may C) had


4. I … not visit him because I didn’t know his address.

A) can B) may C) could

5. … I come in?

A) can B) may C) must


6. They … to fulfil the work in time.

A) shall have B) will have C) must


7. They … to stay at home, because it was raining.

A) must B) could C) had


8. Olga … to see you tomorrow.

A) can B) shall be able C) will be able


9. Our sportsmen … take part in the competition 2 days ago.

A) had B) can C) could


10. He … not come, as he was ill.

A) can B) could C) may


11. You … to finish the work two weeks ago.

A) could B) might C) had


12. Helen … to read a lot of books to make her report.

A) can B) must C) had


Modal Verbs II

(shall, should, would, can, could, might, must, have to)


1. … we go out tonight?

A) shall B) will C) have to


2. … you lend me $10, please?

A) shall B) could C) must


3. You … cross the street without looking first.

A) mustn’t B) don’t have to C) needn’t


4. You … be late for school.

A) must B) needn’t C) mustn’t


5. Bob said that he … come to the party, but he isn’t sure.

A) should B) might C) needn’t


6. You … obey your parents.

A) must B) have to C) need


7. She … be only 30, she looks much older.

A) mustn’t B) can’t C) needn’t


8. … you like to order now, sir?

A) can B) shall C) would


9. You … be rude to your parents.

A) shouldn’t B) don’t have to C) would


10. “I feel ill”. “You … see a doctor”.

A) can B) should C) shouldn’t


11. You … play with matches. It’s dangerous.

A) mustn’t B) shouldn’t C) can’t


12. You … wear a suit. It’s an informal party.

A) mustn’t B) shouldn’t C) don’t have to


13. You … use my hair dryer if you like.

A) should B) have to C) can


14. I’m not going home yet. I … work late.

A) can B) must C) don’t have to


15. … I feed the animals at the zoo?

A) must B) can C) shouldn’t

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 935. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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