Студопедия — XVII. Perform a dialogue between old Burton and his namesake.
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XVII. Perform a dialogue between old Burton and his namesake.

Don't forget that old Burton was busy in his office, not very easily im­pressed, indifferent to other people's troubles; his namesake was down and out, all to pieces and not in very good condition to swim.

XVIII. Role-playing.

Role-play a Trial at which you will try Burton for wilful murder. It may be arranged in the following way:

Student A — speaking for the judge.

Student A — speaking for the prosecution (he will de­scribe all the facts proving Burton's guilt).

Student С — speaking for the defence (he will try and present all the facts that may speak in Burton's favour).

Student D — representing Burton (he will, naturally, try to defend himself).

Students E, F, G — acting as witnesses for the prosecu­tion or the defence.

The rest of the group are acting as members of the jury and will bring a verdict of "guilty" or "not guilty".

The judge conducts the trial, puts questions, examines the documents and evidence.

Counsel for the prosecution (прокурор) addresses the jury and presents his case, after which he calls witnesses who swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Counsel for the defence proceeds in the same way. The judge may interfere at any point and ask questions.

When the two sides have presented their cases, the judge gives his summing up. The jury retires to consider its ver­dict: Guilty or Not Guilty. If the defendant is found guilty, the judge passes sentence on him.

XIX. Think of a different end to the story (comical, puzzling, etc.).

XX. Write a short story to illustrate the proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Use Essential Vocabulary of the lesson. Retell your story in class.

XXI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the word rather.

1. Эта книга довольно скучная, возьмите лучше другую. 2, Чемо­дан маловат, боюсь, что вы не уложите в него всю одежду. 3. Еще чашечку чая? — Да, пожалуйста, 4. Эта новость немного взволновала его. 5. Я, пожалуй, возьму эту пластинку. 6. Он скорее невежественен, чем глуп. 7. Нас несколько удивил его ранний при­ход. 8. Она выглядела несколько усталой после двухкилометровой прогулки. 9. Она показалась мне довольно красивой девушкой.

ХXII. a) Read the text:

Every summer many people, girls and women as well as boys and men, try to swim from England to France or from France to England. The distance at the nearest points is only about twenty miles, but because of the strong tides the dis­tance that must be swum is usually more than twicе as far.

There is a strong tide from the Atlantic Ocean. This di­vides in two in order to pass round the British Isles. The two tides meet near the mouth of the Thames, and strong cur­rents they cause make it impossible to swim in a straight line across the Channel.

The first man to succeed in swimming the Channel was Captain Webb, an Englishman. This was in August 1875. He landed in France 21 hours 45 minutes after entering the wa­ter at Dover. Since then there have been many successful swims and the time has been shortened. One French swim­mer crossed it in 11 hours and 5 minutes.

Because the sea is usually cold, swimmers cover their bodies with grease. This, they say, helps to keep out the cold. They are fed during the swim by men who go with them in small boats.

B) Retell the text above using the phrases in italic type.

C) Comment on the text. Say if you think such a competition is a sport.

XXIII. Try your hand at teaching.

1. Say what you would do in the teacher's position:

Anna, a fourth form pupil, surprised and shocked the children in class because of the long dangling earrings she was wearing. At first the teacher decided to ignore this, hop­ing the children would soon ignore it also. However, the subdued but excited noise continued. Everyone wanted to see and touch the earrings.

Practise your Classroom English.

Prepare a short test on the vocabulary of Unit Six. Play the part of the teacher and give the test in class, check it and comment on each work. (See "Classroom English". Sections VII, IX.)

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