Студопедия — C. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
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C. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1) We have cancelled the meeting. 2) We asked Mrs. Fry to chair the meeting. 3) She pays a lot of money. 4) They should not interrupt production at any other time. 5) Management makes the conditions more comfortable for workers. 6) The government increased workforce dramatically.7) Investors put a lot of money into production.

D. Put the verbs in brackets into passive voice.

1) After the Russian revolution of 1905 Tatars (to allow) to revive Kazan as a Tatar cultural center.

2) The city has a beautiful citadel, which (to declare) the World Heritage Site in 2000.

3) In the beginning of 1990s most of Central Kazan (to cover) by wooden buildings, usually consisting of two floors.

4) Kazan State University (to establish) in 1804.

5) Russian and Tatar languages widely (to speak) in the city.

6) Kazan (to serve) by Kazan Airport, which (to locate) approximately 30 kilometers from the city centre.

7) Until recently there was Kazan-2 Airport at the eastern end of the city, but it (to pull down) as a new hippodrome (to build) in its place.

8) Information on the efficiency of those enterprises (to require).

9) The irrigated lands (to saw) mostly with cotton.

10) The desire to expand friendly ties (to express) by both sides.



An itinerary is a detailed list of what you will be doing and where you will be while you are away. It includes information about transportation methods, places you will be staying, attractions you will be visiting, meetings you will be attending. Be sure to include names, addresses and any other contact information you have. Take a copy with you and leave one at your office and with family and friends.

Read the step-by-step guide on making an itinerary:

§ Choose where you are going to go on holiday, i.e. Moscow, Yelabuga, Naberezhnye Chelny, New York, London, etc.

§ Find some information about amazing sites, places to visit, things to do.

§ Write all of the places down and choose which one best suits you and your fellow traveller (some may prefer to visit historical sites, others may want to visit shopping malls).

§ After you have chosen where you want to go, choose the type of transportation you are going to get around, i.e. car, taxi, train, plane, bus, boat, etc.

§ Consider an appropriate place to stay, i.e. hotel, hostel, motel, house, etc.

§ Group all of the information you have gathered, now you are ready to write down an itinerary.

A. Write an itinerary for a business trip of your partner who is in oil business. You may wish to include all oil-extracting cities of Tatarstan. Don’t forget about an entertainment programme. Use the example below.

Itinerary of William Smith, trip to New York, 23-26 November

Date departure/ from (time and place) arrival/ to (time and place) Flight no. Info
Sunday 23 November 9:05 AM London Heathrow 11:35 AM New York, JFK UA 9238 take taxi to Lowell Hotel 28 east sixty third Street (28 km, 20 minutes drive)
Monday 24 November       take taxi to CitiLife, 315 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10014, phone: 212-349-6726 (100 km, 60 minutes drive)
  8:15 AM 12:30 PM room no C3.   Meeting with Mr. Braun, Mrs. Green, Mr. Yoko, Mr. Walker and Mrs. Mankowich
  12:30 PM 1:30 PM company restaurant   lunch with Mr. Braun and Mr. Bright (senior account manager)
  1:30 PM 4:00 PM room no. B20   Meeting with the marketing department. Host: Mrs Johnson
  4:00 PM 7:00 PM   Free time, visiting sights, gifts shopping
  7:00 PM 10:00 PM   Dinner with Mr. Braun. He will pick you up at the hotel
Tuesday 25 November 8:15 AM 2:30 PM room no. B23   Report to Mr. Braun. Guided tour of the factory, including lunch
  3:00 PM 4:00 PM room no. A55   Meeting with the new PR-manager, Mrs. White (successor of Mr. Gefferson).
Wednesday 26 November 8:30 AM New York, JFK 12:00 AM London, Heathrow UA 9082 Take a taxi to the airport (28 km, 20 minutes drive)

B. Create an advertisement that advertises your itinerary. The advertisement should include some pictures of places that are in the itinerary, but you may create it however you think would be most effective.

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