Студопедия — While reading the text, check your answers in the assignment 1 and get ready to answer the questions after the text.
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While reading the text, check your answers in the assignment 1 and get ready to answer the questions after the text.

Syktyvkar University, founded in 1972, has become the main educational, scientific and methodological centre of the Komi Republic. The need for it was recognised long ago, when the first geological expedition was sent to the Komi area on Lenin’s initiative. Their search was successful, resulting in the discovery of the Pechora coal deposits and later of what is now known as the Timan-Pechora oil and gas complex. In a short period of time the Komi Republic has become an important industrial region with developed forestry, coal, gas and other industries. We needed not just literate people but highly qualified experts. That was why higher educational institutions and the Komi branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences were opened in the Republic.

Our University started from scratch. It goes without saying that we received substantial funds for it from the state. But we had neither experience nor tradition to fall back on. In this hard period of establishing the University we were supported by the whole Republic and, moreover, by the whole country. 22 of the Union Republics’ universities gave us nearly half a million books. 27 Komi enterprises equipped our laboratories free of charge. Well-known Soviet scientists donated their private libraries to our University. Moscow and Leningrad Universities supplied us with teachers and helped us compile our curricula.

7. Could you tell us?

a) When did the Komi Republic become an important industrial region?

b) What natural resources is the Komi Republic rich in?

c) How was the University library organized?

d) Who equipped our laboratories?


8. Complete the sentences:

1. SU was founded in…..

2. It has become…..

3. The need for it was recognized…

4. Their search resulted in….

5. In a short period of time…

6. We needed not just literate people….

7. That was why ….. were opened in the republic.

8. Our University started….

9. We received ….

10. We had neither… nor….

11. We were supported by …

12. 22 of the Union’s Republics’ Universities ….

13. 27 Komi enterprises….

14. Well-known Soviet scientists…

15. Moscow and Leningrad Universities …


9. Could you find synonyms for the following words in the text?

To open; significant; specialist; skilled; establishment; filial; to begin; difficult; to get; to provide; without payment; program of study


10. Find out if you know these words and word combinations and use them in sentences of your own:

to be founded; to become; to be recognized; to result in; literate people; higher educational establishments; to start from scratch; substantial funds; neither….nor….; to be supported; to equip; to donate; to compile


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