Студопедия — Comprehension Practice. A. Listen to the fable. Write downyour answers to the following questions revealing the plot of the fable.
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Comprehension Practice. A. Listen to the fable. Write downyour answers to the following questions revealing the plot of the fable.

A. Listen to the fable. Write downyour answers to the following questions revealing the plot of the fable.

a) Where did an ant go one day?

b) What happened to him?

c) Who helped him?

d) What did the dove do to help the ant get out of water?

e) What did the dove drop in the water?

f) What was a man going to do one day?

g) Why did the ant bite the man on the leg?

h) Why did the arrow miss the dove?

B. Listen to the text, divide it into communicative blocks, entitle them.

C. Listen to the fable, find the logical centre of each communicative block and of the whole text. Write them down.

D. Listen to the jumbled sentences and put them in the right order to complete the fable.

a) “Thank you little ant,” cooed the dove.

b). It will be like a little boat.

c) Soon after, a man came along with a bow and arrow.

d) “I will help you one day.”

e) This made the man jump and his arrow went up into the sky.

f) So the dove dropped a leaf in the water and the ant climbed onto it.

g) He saw the dove on the tree and was going to shoot at her.

h) But he fell in and could not get out.

i) “You did help me after all.”

j) Just then the ant came along and bit the man on the leg.

k) A dove saw that the ant was in danger.

l) The arrow missed the dove, so she flew away out of danger.

m) “I must help him,” she said.

n) “Thank you, Mrs. Dove,” called the ant.

o) “If I pick up this leaf and drop it in the water, the ant can get on it”

p) One hot day, an ant went to the river to get a drink of water.

E. Listen to the fable again. Find 7 mistakes in the fable, correct them in writing.

One autumn day, an ant went to the river to get a drink of water. But he fell in and could not get out. A dove saw that the ant was in danger. “I must help him,” she said. “If I pick up this sheet of paper and drop it in the water, the ant can get on it. It will be like a little boat.”

So the dove dropped a leaf in the water and the ant climbed onto it. “Thank you, Mrs. Dove,” called the ant. “I will help you one day.”

Soon after, a man came along with a gun. He saw the dove in the sky and was going to shoot at her. Just then the ant came along and bit the man on the cheek. This made the man fall down and his arrow went up into the sky. The arrow missed the dove, so she flew away out of danger.

“Thank you little ant,” cooed the dove. “You did help me after all.”

Moral:No one is too little to be harmful.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 739. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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