Студопедия — Nonconfrontation Policies of Organized Criminal Groups
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Nonconfrontation Policies of Organized Criminal Groups

Organized crime is unlike any other criminal activity. There is no question of impulse or insanity, nor of ignorance of law or negligence. In organ­ized enterprises, each activity is planned and carefully prepared to avoid direct confrontation with law enforcement. Because of this nonconfrontation policy, the public is not reminded of the millions of dollars that change hands as a part of illegal activities. Confederations would like the public to believe that activities such as prostitution or bookmaking are nothing more than the isolated deviate behavior of an individual. Thus, the conditions emanating from organized criminal activity do not bring pressure to bear on either the police or the public.

No one actually knows the extent of crime that results from these illegal activities. There is no barometer to measure the corruption, legal in­consistencies, and political deceptions that result from the covert activities of organized criminal action.

The history of organized crime in the United States is of importance only to show the interrelationships and the evolution of the families. It is more important to show contemporary problems of society.

At the mention of organized crime, people immediately say "the Mafia" or "La Cosa Nostra." This is, of course, the most notorious and probably the most powerful syndicate in America. There are, however, thousands of smaller independently organized groups. Until they become a threat to the "big group," they are permitted to exist and continue to grow.

Giant cities enlarged from villages of three decades ago dot the landscape. Small businesses have mushroomed into giants or have been absorbed in corporate mergers with complex ownership structures. Into these industries has seeped the money from illegal drug transactions, prostitution, and gambling.

With the investments have come ownership, partnerships, or controlling shareholders who dictate policy for the giant companies. To the com­panies have come friends, relatives, and gangster partners who seek profitable respectability. They do this without having to relinquish control of lucrative illegal enterprises. Trusted old friends from bygone days become fixtures in the new legitimate environment. By careful planning, company representatives then move into politics, labor unions, or other community service organizations. Thus, the net is woven. Lines of communication from every community endeavor are established. The organization and infiltration process has been completed. As with any commercial organization, groups involved in criminal activities must find a product of profit. The organization, which in the past was engaged solely in illegal enterprises, now finds that much money can be made in legitimate businesses. However, there can be no inference that an organized group, which has moved into a legal enterprise, will forsake the riches of the illegal rackets. It is merely expanding its spheres of operation to include legitimate business enterprises.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 347. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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