Студопедия — TRAINEESHIP CERTIFICATE. Upon completion of the traineeship, the receiving organisation/enterprise commits to provide to the sending institution and to the trainee a Traineeship
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TRAINEESHIP CERTIFICATE. Upon completion of the traineeship, the receiving organisation/enterprise commits to provide to the sending institution and to the trainee a Traineeship

Upon completion of the traineeship, the receiving organisation/enterprise commits to provide to the sending institution and to the trainee a Traineeship Certificate within a period agreed in the section before the mobility, which will be of a maximum 5 weeks after completion of the traineeship.

The Traineeship Certificate will contain all the elements that are requested in page 5. The actual start and end dates of the traineeship programme must be included according to the following definitions:

- The start date of the traineeship period is the first day the trainee has been present at the enterprise to carry out his/her traineeship. It can be the first day of work, or of a welcoming event organised by the receiving organisation/enterprise or of language and intercultural courses.

- The end date of the traineeship period is the last day the trainee has been present at the receiving enterprise to carry out his/her traineeship (and not his actual date of departure).

Following the receipt of theTraineeship Certificate,the sending institution commits to issue a Transcript of Records if the traineeship was embedded in the curriculum or if it had committed to do so before the mobility. The sending institution will provide to the trainee the Transcript of Records normally within five weeks and without further requirements than those agreed upon before the mobility. Therefore, when it was foreseen to recognise the traineeship with a certain number of ECTS, there should not be further requirements in this regard; however, the trainee may have to write a final report or undergo an interview only for the purposes of setting a grade (if it was initially requested in the Learning Agreement).

The Transcript of Records will contain at least the information that the sending institution committed to provide before the mobility in the Learning Agreement (a record of it in a database accessible to the student is also acceptable).

In addition, the traineeship will be recorded in the trainee's Diploma Supplement, except when the trainee is a recent graduate. In that case, it is recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document and it should in every case be done if the sending institution committed to do so before the mobility.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 415. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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