Студопедия — CladdingSoft
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Should you wish to cover the roof structure of a traditional family house or of a complicated historical building with the roofing materials manufactured by Lindab, or should you wish to take a look at the effects of various colours on the roof, we will help your work with a spectacular and easy to handle programme: Cladding® soft- ware. With the help of the programme you will be able to compile very quickly even the most complicated roof surfaces through combining several simple standard roof surfaces, in case of which the selected cladding material will be constructed and painted to the selected colour by the programme without delay. The prepared roof can be inspected in correct proportions and 3D. After all this the programme will carry out automatically the consignation of the roof surface, i.e. the calculation of the

necessary materials and the determination of the complementary materials, and finally it will prepare even a price offer.



Should you be engaged in the design of secondary load-bearing and cladding elements of hall systems or in the static dimensioning of lightweight buildings, then Lindab DimRoof ® software, which is a purlin and trapezoid sheet dimensioning programme unique in its kind and elaborated by Lindab Kft will be indispensible for your everyday work. With the help of the programme you will be able e.g. to prepare the dimensioning of the complete purlin system of a complete roof structure, through the selection of profile in appropriate size and thickness, so that in case of surplus loading the programme will precise the optimum solution for structure and price, in such a manner that each case of a particular loading (e.g. snow recess load) should be taken into account.



One of the most recent results of development of Lindab is the lightweight grid truss, which can be composed from thin wall steel C-profiles, and is highly fit for the implementation of the roof structures of small and medium sized industrial buildings (its economical size range is a span of around 10 to 24 m and a support spacing of 3 to 6 m). Subject to restrictions of manufacture and framing the form and network geometry of the cladding can be designed in a fully individual manner.


Lindab SBSSoft

Should you wish to purchase or have constructed an SBS lightweight building, the help of Lindab SBSSoft, the SBS design programme unique in its kind, elaborated by Lindab, will be indispensible for you in the phase of design of the building. With the help of the programme you can compose in several minutes the small building meeting your taste. The programme draws the building both in colour dynamics and mass, which you can inspect in 3 dimensions, from any viewpoint.


You can obtain detailed information on our software from our collaborators visiting the designers, as well as from Lindab Designer Portal: www.lindab.hu.


Lindab | Product range



Lindab Profile is a branch of the Lindab Group, developing, manufacturing and marketing efficient, economical and aesthetic steel and metal sheet solutions for the building industry.


Lindab’s product range extends from a wide choice of structural components up to lightweight steel building systems, which can fulfil industrial, commercial and residential purposes alike.


Lindab Profile is represented in more than 30 countries all over Europe. Its headquarters are to be found in Bastad, southern Sweden.




Lindab Profile

H-2051 Biatorbágy, Állomás u. 1/A.

Tel.: +36-23-531-300

Fax: +36-23-310-703


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