Студопедия — Topic 73 Has computer made life easier?
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Topic 73 Has computer made life easier?

Computers are involved in our world form sorted trash to satellite control,

making our life easy, convenient and efficient. Obviously, it's a great revolution

of human being. It's odd that some consider that computers make life more

complex and stressful. I suppose computers will become a necessity, like food

and water to the mankind.


Computers have changed people's life style, in a way that we can concentrate

on scientific research rather than wasting time on data analyzing and

calculating, for computers are much more efficient in dealing with these

strenuous jobs. Many activities could not be run in their present form without

computers. Examples are the banking systems, and the weather forecasting

systems. How is it possible to deal with data-switching between banks and

clients simultaneously and accurately without computers? As we known,

weather forecasting requires multiprocessing data from the meteorological

satellites and simulating the weather change, which are easy jobs for computers.


Although the knowledge of computer is not easy to acquired, especially at early

stage, the IT industry has been making the computer operation system more

friendly and at the same time more powerful. Therefore, using computers to

handle problems is not the specialties of computer majors only. Even children

can use computers to do their homework. We can now benefit a lot from

computers in our day-to-day life.


One of the concerns is that computers may cause some troubles when we rely

too much on them, such as various computer viruses and the Y2K problem.

Nevertheless, computer experts will surely solve these problems and improve

the computer technology. In this sense, the computer technology has much

potential to develop.


After all, the computer is one of the most important inventions in the twentieth

century. It has formed a new era in our life, and it affects culture, industry,

science, education and other areas. Computerization is a trend nowadays, and

computers are being used in many areas. Computers like any other technology

hold the key to increased productivity, which will benefit all of us.



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