Студопедия — Topic 103 What characteristic makes people successful? Many people believe that one can be successful if he /she is committed, honest, faithful or intelligence
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Topic 103 What characteristic makes people successful? Many people believe that one can be successful if he /she is committed, honest, faithful or intelligence

Many people believe that one can be successful if he /she is committed, honest, faithful or intelligence. But, the foundation of each of these qualities lies in believing the power the person has, and working accordingly to achieve the goal. There are many people, who are honest, beautiful, good and soft spoken, intelligent and even faithful, but only some are successful in achieving their goals. While all of these characteristics are equally important and act as the medium for success, the most important is the power to cope with circumstances and keep our spirit goes on in the most difficult situations.


It is well said that we cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sail. Similarly, on the way to our destination, we will come across a lot of obstacles, but we need to find the way to come across that situation. This is where success lies. No matter how low we fall, what matters is how high we bounce back. Success can be measured by what we have and how much power we are using to achieve our goals. For example, while in playing games, it is sure that one team will win and another will lose, but the spirit is not just in winning but also in learning new techniques and improving team sprit and cooperation skills. A winner team cannot always be successful, but the successful team is the one that has improved a lot with respect to its earlier performances.


Though the person is honest, intelligent, faithful and committed, it is not sure that he will be successful. The most important character rather than these is efficiency,, which is to understand the environment and the need, and to implement best of the best ideas and actions. No matter how smaller step it can be, but it can bring great changes. As Shiva Khera once said, "Winners do not do different things but they do things differently", which better explains the meaning of being successful.


Success is not just winning, but also is how much we are satisfied with whatever we are doing. So, all qualities like honesty, intelligence, and faithfulness are directly proportional to success.


The definition of success for each of us may vary. Some may think the reason for success is honesty while others may think it is the commitment. But, in my opinion, where there is will there is power, so each of us should know our strength, and work accordingly to be successful. And we should measure our success not with others but with what we have and what we have achieved.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1071. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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