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1. ________________

When you are next time in a High Street Bank, look around and think how much it must cost to run – a prestige address, a nice office for the manager, lots of staff and glossy leaflets. You might as well enjoy it – because you are paying for it. With BEST-e, overheads and bank charges just don’t apply.

2. ________________

BEST-e offers high interest on every dollar you put in. We accrue interest daily and pay it monthly, without deducting tax, as long as you fill in the form we give you.

3. ________________

We use the most advanced and secure systems available to protect your assets – so your money is just as safe as it is in a High Street Bank. A number of sophisticated security layers including advanced encryption technology are used to protect all BEST-e customers.

4. _______________

All you have to do is:

1. Complete and submit the on-line application form.

You will then receive a confirmatory e-mail. As soon as you receive this e-mail, you will be able to access your account and transfer money from your current bank account.

2. Print, sign and post the relevant documents to us.

Once we have received these documents, we’ll confirm without delay that your account is fully active.

5. ________________

You can transfer funds on-line from one BEST-e account to another – easily, instantaneously and without charge. Similarly, you can use the on-line transfer facility to transfer funds to and from another bank account in the USA, free of charge. Transfers to another bank normally take three working days to complete.


We’ve all stood in bank queues. We’ve all tried in vain to get an appointment with some junior manager for an overdraft.

BEST-e aims to change all of that, and make banking easy and convenient. We’ve done everything we can to make our services as friendly and simple as possible.


B. Mark these statements true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

1. BEST-e has a high street address in every town.

2. BEST-e offers high interest rates on savings.

3. BEST-e lets you open an account without the need for paper documents.

4. BEST-e doesn’t make any bank charges to its customers.

5. BEST-e takes 3 days to transfer funds from one BEST-e account to another.

6. BEST-e protects customer security using encryption technology.


C. Match the verbs and nouns as they occur in the text.

1. deduct 2. offer 3. fill in 4. protect 5. open 6. submit 7. transfer a) interest b) funds c) an account d) a form e) assets f) tax g) an application

D. Complete these sentences using phrases from C.

1. Customers needn’t worry about security, the bank uses sophisticated encryption technology to ….. their…….

2. Interest is paid gross, which means that the bank does not ….

3. Many people ……. At a bank when they start their first job.

4. To apply for a job, or to open a new account, you have to …….

5. The bank offers …. of 5% on all deposits.


E. Do the following tasks.

1. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of internet banking.

2. Make a comparison between BEST-e and any bank that offers internet banking services in Ukraine.


Task 2. Translate the text into Ukrainian.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 969. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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