Студопедия — Major Methods of Advertising
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Major Methods of Advertising

Brochures — Brochures can contain a great deal of information if designed well, and are becoming common methods of advertising.

Direct mail — Mail sent directly from you to your customers can be highly customized to suit their nature and needs. You may want to build a mailing list of your current and desired customers.

E-mail messages — These can be wonderful means to inform about your business. Your e-mail address may be included at the end of each of your e-mail messages. Many e-mail software packages will automatically attach your e-mail address, if you prefer.

Magazines — Magazines ads can be quite expensive. Find out if there's a magazine that focuses on your particular industry. If there is one, then the magazine can be very useful because it already focuses on your market and potential customers. Consider placing an ad or writing a short article for the magazine. Contact a reporter to introduce yourself. Reporters are often on the look-out for new stories.

Newsletters — This can be powerful means to conveying the nature of your organization and its services.

Newspapers — Lots of people read local newspapers. You can get your business in the newspaper by placing ads, writing a letter to the editor or working with a, reporter to get a story written about your business. Advertising can get quite expensive. Newspapers are often quite useful in giving advice about what and how to advertise.

Posters and bulletin boards — Posters can be very powerful when placed where your customers will actually notice them. Place the posters on bulletin boards and other places which your customers frequent, and always refresh your posters with new and colorful posters that will appear new to passers-by.

Radio announcements — A major advantage of radio ads is they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example, when in their cars.

Telemarketing (UK also: telesales) — a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson solicits prospective customers to buy products or services either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face or Web-based appointment scheduled during the call.

Television ads — They are more expensive than most of major forms of advertising. However, with the increasing number of television networks and stations, businesses are placing more commercials or other forms of advertisements.

Web pages — Now, advertising and promotions on the World Wide Web are almost commonplace. Using the Web for advertising requires certain equipment and expertise, including getting a computer, getting an Internet service provider, buying (usually renting) a Web site name, designing and installing the Web site graphics and other functions as needed (for example, an on-line store for e-commerce), promoting the Web site (via [vaIq, vJq] various search engines), and maintaining the Website.

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