Студопедия — Vocabulary Exercises
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Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Find words and expressions in your key vocabulary list that have a similar meaning to the following.

1) to off-load one’s responsibility;

2) short extract of a film used to advertise it in advance;

3) the time after which programmes for adults are shown;

4) a detrimental effect or influence of television;

5) to change channels;

6) indiscriminate viewers;

7) violence;

8) violence on TV or in films;

9) a film with a lot of violence.

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the word or phrase from the key vocabulary list. The first letter of the word is given.

1. They say there’s a lot of evidence that such like programmes have an a… i… on children’s behaviour.

2. Nowadays children grow up a… to the telly spending hours g… to television screens.

3. The f… of a q… show that parents and educationalists have always been concerned about the influence of television on children.

4. New v… d… t… only give viewers possibility not only to have more control over what they are watching but also may become one of the means to r… l… of v… on television.

5. Though the v… i… of television on our perception can hardly be underestimated, there is hardly any doubt that TV provides us mainly with s… e… absolutely i… to r… l….

6. O… t… is a short preview of a future radio or television programme or a new picture.

Ex. 3.

moral standards perverted banned counter-productive masquerading unscrupulous degrades excessive safeguards corrupting infringes gratuitous
A. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place below.

The amount of offensive material we are exposed to in films nowadays is surely (1) …. Most people accept that scenes of sex and violence are sometimes necessary to tell a story, but all too often these scenes are (2) …; they are unnecessary and simply inserted in the film to appeal to the baser human instincts. Censorship is necessary, especially to protect children from the (3) … influence of such scenes, often (4) … as art, in our cinemas. There should also be censorship of pornographic magazines produced by (5) … people willing to cater to the (6) … tastes of a small minority. Such material destroys the innocence of the young and (7) … all who read it. On the other hand, there are those who say that something which is (8) … becomes desirable so censorship is (9) …, and that censorship (10) … on our freedom of choice. However freedom is not merely freedom to do what we want but freedom from attempts to destroy society’s (11) …. Censorship provides the (12) … by which society protects itself.

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